Reviews for Paraíso
Bad-Wolf chapter 1 . 1/3/2012
Yeah, secret boyfriend, Amanda? Ya sure that's not Rutland?

This was really well written, and it expands on Amanda's character a lot more than in Legend or Underworld.

But... Lara killed " an Atalantean god" (BLOODY NATLA!) after this, didn't she? Chronologically speaking.

So, really, she shouldn't be talking about that little trip, huh?
simsbabii chapter 1 . 2/4/2010
Hm... I say it is James. Because James is a sexy creature.

Haha I love endings like those.
bahleeeted chapter 1 . 1/6/2010
Nicely written story! Amanda and Lara both seem in character for that timeframe, though I'm confused on the timing... I thought TR1/TRA happened shortly after that incident. *scratches head* either way, nice story!
Artisa chapter 1 . 1/4/2010
LOL it was cute, seriously! I really liked it! _

My favourite bits were:

"I can't sleep."

"I can, so shush!"

"Do you like any boys? Do you like any girls?"

"I'm British, we don't have crushes, we fancy people!"


Well written! (except where you accidentally wrote Larra lol) and I loved how you portrayed Amanda as someone normal and likeable, and her friendship with Lara was shown really well! *thumbs up*

But don't you think 18's a little too young to be going on archeological digs? :P
Alizorah chapter 1 . 1/4/2010
Haha, this seems so legit! I can totally see Amanda being this way when she was younger- she WAS a bit of a gossip-mouthed hippy-type person, eh? :-P I liked this a lot, and I loved the bantering she and Lara had- just like their biography said, they had friendly bickers amongst each other back at university. And I immediately thought you were hinting at Rutland when you mentioned her "secret boyfriend". ;-) Nice job, it was short, but it gave me a little smile and a good laugh. D
Fragments of Time chapter 1 . 1/4/2010
lol, I can see this happening, actually. Younger Amanda was pretty childish. xD