Reviews for Earth Wars
Loganicfilms chapter 13 . 6/4
I'm waiting. Pls.
Guest chapter 13 . 3/7
I wonder if you’ll include other star wars characters like Leia or Han, or make one of the protagonists force sensitive?
Jayhawks chapter 13 . 2/28
This is the best Star Wars story I ever read, great job, hope Kobarrn doesn’t make it to the imperial fleet.
Yahoo chapter 13 . 2/24
Can you published another chapter, this one was really good though.
bob chapter 1 . 11/13/2019
Guest chapter 13 . 9/17/2019
need more...
Guest chapter 13 . 5/1/2019
This is a very god fanfic and a good read
DarthTenebrus chapter 13 . 9/26/2018
Luke Skywalker cussed?! Boy, if his dad ever hears about this Luke might lose just a little bit more than his hand at Bespin...

Keeping an eye out for any new postings, the Force willing and the crick don't rise...
DarthTenebrus chapter 10 . 9/25/2018
I hope you figured out a way to reconfigure the U.S. fighter aircraft to conduct combat operations in space as well as European fighters. An F-22 or an F/A-18 with rail guns and maneuvering thrusters should give a TIE interceptor at least a moment of pause.
DarthTenebrus chapter 8 . 9/20/2018
That was a nice message from the sponsors at the end here, it brought a smile to my face.
DarthTenebrus chapter 7 . 9/20/2018
The situation for Earth looks very bleak indeed. Imperial diplomacy at its finest.

And now it appears that Lord Vader has arrived, and he knows his son is there, on the planet. Things just got a hell of a lot worse...
DarthTenebrus chapter 6 . 9/19/2018
A glorified Richter scale? Don't you mean Geiger counter?
DarthTenebrus chapter 2 . 9/12/2018
I found it rather odd that in mid paragraph, with no advance notice, switched names from Moritz to Tanner. Are they supposed to be the same person or not? Also you could have included more details about the turbolaser bombing of Tokyo. I envision scenes in every major city where people are glued to their tv's or computers or their mobile devices, watching to see whether the missiles will blow up the Star Destroyers, then watching in horror as the alien ships shoot down nearly every missile, while a few transports get blown up and a Star Destroyer gets hit and just shrugs off the explosion like it never happened. Then we see people's fear turn to terror as they worry who will be the first to get hit back and how bad, and then we see people in Tokyo watching and crying to each other in fear, just before green fire rains down from the ships and devastates the entire city. Nobody makes it out of Tokyo alive and the Imperial counterattack leaves the once powerful metropolis a smoking ruin.

Then it cuts to President Obama as he speaks to the people of the world. Even without the scene I described it looks good - I just think adding that scene would have delivered more emotional impact. Remember, war is not just soldiers shooting at each other. There are oftentimes civilians that get caught in the crossfire, and that is a heartbreaking tragedy and a fact of war.
DarthTenebrus chapter 1 . 9/12/2018
Simple setup, therefore most interesting. I like this so far, it's as close to a perfect opener as any I've come across. Well done, let's see what the rest looks like.
Guest chapter 13 . 6/4/2018
You can't stop writing! Brutal, talk about cliffhanger!
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