Reviews for Past and Present
Guest chapter 1 . 10/26/2011
Wow that really really really sucks for konan to have such unsatisfying sex :(
sinisteruto chapter 1 . 10/1/2011
Damn this is so sad, my heart cries out for both of them.
Magikbyrd chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
I love you die-hard Nagato/Konan fans. I'm one too! I'm just not interested in writing any. Ha! Please continue writing stories about them, college boy.
CU Administration chapter 1 . 4/1/2010
Wow this was written beautifully. The details, the story behind their life, it was all flawless. You did a great job with letting us be able to see and feel what they were feeling.

You really showed their belief that he was a god well. Even with captalizing "Him" and such. I'm guessing the whole thing is from their point of view and not really a narrative so I can see where that would tie in.

I'm glad you didn't throw them into a relationship where he isn't in the poor shape he's in. I'm glad you kept him the way he was..

Only thing I noticed is that you were doing this with diologue:

"Yes." He replies, much to her surprise.

Correct eay:

"Yes," he replies, much to her surprise.

A lot of authors make that mistake. The only time a period ends diologue is when nothing like "he replies" follows.

Other than that, this was a really well written great read. I enjoyed it and I plan on checking out any other work that you may have.


QueenOfFanFicWorldLoveGunner chapter 1 . 3/28/2010
I like it~

Very in-character, and it seems likely to have happened. Good job~
