Reviews for Memory Lane
MissRhi chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
The ending make me laugh...well chuckle quietly. I mean Hayner giving Seifer a pony...oh gawd that would be just perfect. Ha!

Anyways, I liked the story it was cute and fluffy! D
Ellipsis the Great chapter 1 . 1/8/2010
Yeah, Hayner. He'll totally love it. e.e

lmao; I really love this one. It stays completely true to character, while somehow hinting at something completely untrue to character! 8) Or at least, we THINK it's untrue to character. XD lol, in any case, lovely characterization and a wonderful capture of a seemingly mundane moment in time that isn't really mundane at all.

I wonder if they always do stuff like this on their birthdays...? ;) Lovely job~! I hope to see more from you!

Lforevermore chapter 1 . 1/7/2010
D'aw, that was cute! I love Seifer/Hayner, it's one of my favorite pairings and definitely one that doesn't get enough love, and this is a fantastic tribute. Totally made my night, man, and now I'm full of warm fuzzies. Rock on!
QueenStrata chapter 1 . 1/6/2010
Hee, this was cute. Seifer so would be thrilled by a toy pony, and by 'thrilled' I mean he would probably throw it at Hayner's face.

This part: "Hayner trailed off, feeling as if there was a closer date than the one he was going to say, but unable to figure out when it was." made me smile most. I love little hints like that regarding Roxas and how the Twilight Trio sometimes kind of remember him without actually doing so. :3

(...I'm terrible at reviews. I'm sorry. D:)