Reviews for Beautiful Ally
Crunch Berry Baroness chapter 1 . 6/7
sweet, sweet heart wrenching pain and then a beautiful reunion and forgiveness with more love shared. i love the details of cutthroat emptiness in ardeth carrying out the mission throughtout and julia's despair, it made the reconciliation all the more fulfilling. Brilliantly written. thank you this series again :)
Larka Rinna Luna chapter 1 . 2/22/2014
There is so much emotion in this and you are a very good writer. What I wouldn't give to know Ardeth's thoughts. Larka
Emilie Bay chapter 1 . 2/28/2012
This is one AWESOME story / series. I feel I must only make one correction... The Purloined Letter, was written by Edgar Allan Poe, not by Sir Arthur Connan Doyle.

I really enjoy your writing style and the depiction of your characters!
Adara16 chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
Auh-mazing! ] Love it!
Nakhti chapter 1 . 1/11/2010
AHA! Caught you out! Your attempt at rendering Julia's English idioms and phraseology is admirable, but I'm afraid it is not impervious to the odd Americanism - I knew I'd find one if I read long enough!

"You've got me properly under your thumb now, don't you, Mr. Kufti? This must be some compensation for the theft!"

A well-educated English lady would never say 'don't you' in this sentence, as it is not correct English grammar. As the main clause of the sentence states 'you have', the rhetorical question (which merely repeats the main statement but in an interrogative construction) should be 'haven't you'. It would only be 'don't you' if the main statement was something like 'You do realise what a capital blunder you've committed, don't you?' I've noticed that this type of misconstruction of rhetorical questions is common in American English, but not in British English. A tiny observation but a very telling one!

Anyway, I have run out of time to read/review this now (I'm at work!) so I'll have to leave this review unfinished, but if I have anything else to say when I've finished (and I'm sure I will, hehe) I'll PM you :-)
Mystikwriter chapter 1 . 1/7/2010
Aw! *wipes tears away* that was so cute!