Reviews for Fall Back into My Life
maple-leaf96 chapter 9 . 12/13/2010
best. SickleShipping EVER. You HAVE to update soon D: I wanna see Marik and Akefia meet. 3
RoseleafISHTAR chapter 9 . 9/26/2010
caaaaaan't wait til you update this 3
ShilvaA chapter 9 . 3/5/2010
Great story, Mariku isby far my favourite character, he's absolutely gorgeous!

Hahahaha really cant wait tosee what happens next!

instant fav!
seffa chapter 9 . 2/9/2010

Oh my god, stop torturing us! I want to know how Marik is, although this chapter was cute. x3

Eh, I guess I can live with you not updating for awhile but it'll be hard, cuz it sounds like it's getting REALLY good. xD Aww, I know it's Sickleshipping but Akefia calling Malik "beautiful" makes me squeal! O Aw...

You know, in the actual anime, I wuv Bakura so much, he's just so evil and so cool! But, in your fic, I hate his guts! ::Whines:: I just want Marik and Akefia reuniting! xD

Lovely update, I hope to see more! .
RandomRockerGrl chapter 9 . 2/8/2010
o my ra! itz Akefia! nd he "found" Malik! i personally think dhat it was funny that they were only 3 feet apart.

Yay! the sickleshipping is still goin on! u had mi worried there 4 an second

this is just a guess, but is dha person who was yelling dha end Bakura? or is it Marik? oo! so much 2 learn, so little tyme!

well anywayz it was awesum! nd gud luck on ur finals!
seffa chapter 8 . 1/26/2010
Wow, I missed two updates. O.O

So far, things are looking bad. Uh oh. Poor Malik... D:

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! The ending, no! I can't believe you left it off like that! DX I can not wait for more!

Well, good update, I hope you have time to get up the next chapter! x3
RandomRockerGrl chapter 8 . 1/25/2010
O.o' um i think i get it now. so let mi get this st8:Bakura dressed up as Shadi n order 2 trick Malik into believing that he had a past life when in reality that MARIK is the one with the past life, aka MARIKU. So as of right now, Malik is serving as bait for Bakura 2 lure Marik 2 hym. Nd im ASSUMING that the person Malik meets while imprisoned is Akefia, again im ASSUMING lol

O.o' well let mi noe ok? im gunna go take an aspirin now
RandomRockerGrl chapter 7 . 1/24/2010
yay yay yay! update! wait,hold on, im confused on sumthing, n the begining of this chapter, Bakura sayd that MARIK is the reincarnation of Mariku-But later on Ishizu says that MALIK is the reincarnation of Mariku. so does that mean dhat Bakura's wrung?

well besides 4rm dhat,lyk McDonald's, IM LOVING IT! WOOHOO! U GO GRL! cnt wait 4 dha nxt chappie!
seffa chapter 6 . 1/19/2010
Holy shit, everything is movie so fast! O.O It's all exciting, thrilling, weird. o.O

Oh my god, where's Bakura? That ain't a good sign!

Amazing update, I can't wait for more! ;D
RandomRockerGrl chapter 6 . 1/19/2010
woohoo! Malik Hikari 2 dha rescue! then he needed rescuing lol. Marik went balistic! but i understand, it'z all very taxing on the nerves. Akefia made an appearance where he was actually talking! nd wait, Ryou's Akefia's recranation/ uh, makes sense. lol wooho lets c wat mah main man Marik iz gunna do nxt! o BTW DIS IS AWESUM!
RandomRockerGrl chapter 5 . 1/19/2010
o snap dhat fight was intense! Kura just cnt seem 2 keep his hormones in check lol! Marik is so determind 2 noe about his past dhat he fought an evil pyxcho...AWSUM! lol i luvd it, as usual!
seffa chapter 5 . 1/14/2010
This was a amazing chapter! xDD I love it, it's just so cool! M, pretty much action pack and still a bit mind confusing but I will keep reading! ~.
seffa chapter 4 . 1/13/2010
Ah, Marik is so silly! :DD

I love how you made Malik into a total romantic, I totally see that! xD I love that journal entry, it's such a romantic thing to say. xD Wow, so, Malik writes about him and Ryou getting it on in bed? That amuses me so, excellent for writing that! xD

Uh oh. O.O When there's Bakura, you know you gotta run your ass out of there! Run, Marik, run!
RoseleafISHTAR chapter 4 . 1/13/2010
Marik: ...lulWUT?

cant wait for next chappie ;D
RandomRockerGrl chapter 4 . 1/13/2010
woodoo!update! lol, i noe Marik, i when people tell me not to n2 a certain room or door! i kan just imagine Malik's room n mah head, it's so cute!

ok,so now Marik as another question 2 b answered-Whi Is Touzuko-Akefia? DUN DUN DUN! uh oh! Bakura showd up! wat gunna happen..i wonder...O.o
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