Reviews for Curious Girl
archy12 chapter 18 . 7/18
Phew! That's a big relief!
archy12 chapter 17 . 7/18
That was a very creative solution.
Why would Bella (in the first life) tell Edward she couldn't love him?
archy12 chapter 15 . 7/18
Aww, Edward is trying to be a gentleman, but it's hard, isn't it? :)
archy12 chapter 14 . 7/18
Oops, Jake let some things out of the bag!
Neither he nor Edward are very good at keeping secrets as far as Bella is concerned, are they?
archy12 chapter 13 . 7/18
A little embarrassment, and a lot of fun! :D
archy12 chapter 11 . 7/18
Wow. So, now the Cullens (as well as Jake) know the other Bella-the one who time-travelled and confused everyone, including herself, until she figured out it was Nessie's doing.
But the present Bella does not know that they know about complicated.
archy12 chapter 5 . 7/18
Good heavens! This is not going very well.
archy12 chapter 3 . 7/18
Haha, Bella completely turned over Edward's world! :D
archy12 chapter 1 . 7/18
This is a very different premise, especially one in which a character goes back in time. Let's see how Bella's second chance pans out.
Annoy mouse chapter 6 . 1/16

Sure, take Bella to a blindspot across the treaty line when she's suicidal and delusional. I'm sure nothing will go wrong. Not.

Why not instead keep her with them, where they can have Jasper calm her, where Alice can see her future in case she makes any other attempts and can look for the best way to get through to her? Where Carlisle can provide medical care?

No, let's send her off to the wolves with no explanation, no further help, no way to monitor her or help her.

Absolutely horrible way to handle it. Especially since Alice literally has no idea what she's doing and knows it, she explicitly mentioned her blindspot. Bella could wake up in the night and kill herself, with the Blacks utterly clueless to prevent it.

This truly is suboptimal, to put it as nicely as I can.
Kenyatta.harmon16 chapter 11 . 6/14/2019
I’m so confused where did the other Bella go
Kayozm chapter 20 . 6/9/2019
Sequel, huh? I guess that never happened.
Well, there were a few illogical jumps in here (most especially tricking Aro, who would surely know if the plan to trick him same way he would know of Jacob’s words), but with a bit of suspension of disbelief, it still a very good story.
I’d read a sequel.
Kayozm chapter 16 . 6/9/2019
Well, I’d completely forgotten about that twist! So not what we were expecting!
Kayozm chapter 10 . 6/9/2019
Sheesh, I forgot how confusing all the different timelines are!
Kayozm chapter 3 . 6/9/2019
That scene with Emmett was too funny!
I just spent all day looking for this story ;and getting sucked back into other fics in the process!) and I’m glad I did.
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