Reviews for An Imperfect Dark Magic
Anahit Pearl chapter 58 . 4/30
YAAAAAAAYYYYY ! so happy for update! love the writing! so many feels! my heart explode
colmdu19 chapter 58 . 3/25
not a bad chapter, I hope he survives the battle of hogwarts but I guess not and she becomes pregnant before said battle...
btw i'm currently lost at what time line they are at right now (too lazy to search...)
hourhercrevan chapter 57 . 3/22
this is a very unfair cliffhanger!
Gemini Sister chapter 57 . 2/29
Thanks so much for your most unexpected update! Awe, poor Nezza. I feel for her with Severus uttering Lily’s name at that point . Thanks again for writing and sharing.
colmdu19 chapter 57 . 2/27
you are in deep shit sev
Lady-Finwe chapter 56 . 2/22
wow this story is bloody amazing and cant wait for the next chapter :)
Gemini Sister chapter 56 . 2/20
Hello and am so pleased you have posted another chapter to this spectacular story. I am going to re read this from the beginning again. It is still on my favourites list. A fantastic Snape OC pairing and one of the best I have read. Thus me loving it so much.

It would be super if you posted it also to AO3 where I do lots of my writing and reading these days. This tale of yours would go down a storm.

Again, thank you for making a miserable wet and stormy day bright and happy.

Thanks so much for writing and continuing with this delicious tale. I just love Nessa and her way of dealing with snape. A well matched pair.
The L. MMonster chapter 55 . 9/29/2018
I gotta say, this story was incredible. One of the best OC HP fics I've read in a long, LONG time. Anezka would walk the line of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope... if she wasn't such a full and complex character. Like her own personality, it's as if she plays with the tropes and clichés she could be fit into, but then proceeds to promptly kick them in the face. I love it. It takes a skilled writer to be able to do that. I would be so happy if you ever came back and finished this. I feel like Severus and Anezka deserve it.
Scarletknight17 chapter 55 . 12/5/2017
I am so happy you updated because this story is beautiful. Everything he thinks, says, does, is so Snape I could cry.
I really really really, dont want him to die at the end of this but if thats what has to be done then so be it.

Keep updating please because I love their relationship.
lukeskywalkeer chapter 8 . 12/2/2017
i feel like lupin would get a kick out of her
mirable chapter 1 . 11/28/2017
Love this story to bits, so happy to see it being updated again! I'm re-reading after such a long time, not that I've made it very far, and became curious what Anezka's wand is made out of. Pure curiosity on my part!

Again, love the fic! Please keep updating!
Guest chapter 54 . 11/5/2017
So pleased you have updated this tale. I have always adored it and was delighted with this surprise in my email today.

No birth protection charm from Severus he has slipped up and shall wait to see the results haha. A great chapter thanks. Xxxx
Anahit Pearl chapter 54 . 11/5/2017
Holy shhhhhhwhaaat I am so pumped you updated!

So I went back and reread the last 10 chapters and now I am hooked again! Still so good. The story is picking up with a new momentum now that they are outside school and the war adds a certain urgency. It seems Snape has to reckon with his feelings and ghostly internal dialogue so he can have many more exciting encounters with Sova ;)

It is funny timing because I just made a new account and logged on WITH an account for the first time in, like, 5 years. I can't remember a single story I used to read except this one. So I checked and LOOOOO and behold you just updated! So forgive my ramble but this was exciting! I reviewed for years as "vana", who is pleased as punch right now

So proud of her and you and updates :P yeeeeeh
Gemini Sister chapter 54 . 11/5/2017
(Sorry forgot to log in earlier). I am delighted you have updated as I said in my anon review a few. Moments ago.

I am pleased that Severus is thinking of her and how on earth does Dumbledore know he is a sneaky old Wizard haha. I am sure Sev will have his bolt hole LOL.
Scarletknight17 chapter 53 . 10/9/2016
Ok so I wasn't sure about it at first but I'm glad I stuck with it. Your OC and Snape are so fun together. I hope u can continue & finish out the story because it's easily become my favorite Snape story.
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