Reviews for Ten Swords For Solace
johncahill chapter 10 . 9/22/2013
Love this and all your stories. So good. Are you gonna finish the initial offense because that was definitely my favorite. I really hope you do because it's awesome so far.
Motion chapter 10 . 6/8/2013
Your story make me read it from chapter 1 straight to the end in one go.

I only pause at the end, When I wondering, Which one?
Which event in his life he's referring to, Naruto's? Obito? or his mother.

And I can not stop thinking about that.
Kris chapter 10 . 5/19/2013
This was wonderfully written and so sad! and the feels attacked me but it was wonderfully written
acerbicdrunk chapter 10 . 5/19/2013
I know I'm just one in a sea of many and that you may never read this review, but screw that.

At first glance, this fic doesn't seem like much. The title and summary have a kind of poetic beauty, but does not really show what the fic's about. Not to me, anyway. I'm not going to try to decipher hidden meanings- I've always been a literal person, and am very terrible at appreciating something like poetry.

I'll admit it though- by the time I finished reading, I was crying. I suppose I could always blame it on Stupid Damnable Hormones, but I won't. I'll give this fic the credit for making me cry. Well written, inspirational, source of a new headcannon- I'll sum it up in two words.

Well done.

-Rider of the Winds.
ellesra chapter 10 . 4/21/2013
... Woah. That sure was a strong and sad ending to a wonderful story. I really, really liked it. I must admit, I like it when Naruto dies, because something important dies with him. And that is a story I feel should be told.

You write wonderfully. I truly love the way you write.

Thank you for this story!
Guest of Anon chapter 10 . 4/21/2013
This piece of work sums up everything a story is, or in most cases, should be.
It exceeded all of my expectations, especially for a fanfiction.
The way you portrayed Kakashi was perfect. We got to see a venerable side to Kakashi that isn't shown in most other stories. He is almost human now, since you write him as broken. And because you explained how he broke (in my opinion, that is) Kakashi becomes more accessible and believable.
I also greatly liked the fact that Naruto never becomes Hokage. In my mind, that in not was Naruto is for. I think that Naruto is the personification of ideals and dreams. He befriends everyone, helping them achieve their dream, but he himself never achieves his.
So sad.
I loved it. And the ending was perfect.
But this story isn't perfect. I can see some faults. But damn, if it isn't close.
skepsis66 chapter 10 . 4/20/2013
Wow. Equally brilliant and heart-wrenching. The last chapter is aptly titled, with that sense of despair and weary hope. Thanks so much for sharing.
Prescripto13 chapter 10 . 4/20/2013
A fitting finale for this collenction, Xeno! I enjoyed reading it.
KitElizaKing chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
This is an interesting view of what formed Sakumo, and later, Kakashi, into the men that they became. It also explains some of the reasoning behind his later suicide for all of his reasons for living had been taken away. A nice, imaginative 'what if'. Thanks for writing.
annon chapter 8 . 4/20/2013
you used the Hedgehog dillema which was popularized by Evangelion... all in all it fits on how you want to express your version of Kakashi, Good Job!
Madame Minuit12 chapter 9 . 10/21/2011
that's soo different, it is wonderful :D

i really like it!
Vaughn Tyler chapter 9 . 9/19/2011
redchinese chapter 9 . 5/8/2011
oh kakashi- bitter to very end aren't you?

characterizatioin is lovely as usual- but i can't help but feel kakashi's been living for the wrong reason all together- what good is there to keep everyone and yourself alive, if you can't find any joy in your own life? i don't know whether to see that as in character, out of character, or in character for this story (but ooc for canon).

I'm leaning to the last- but i can't say i don't like your kakashi :)
Paosheep chapter 9 . 5/6/2011
These always make me feel so sad, but in a good way. I really do like them.
Prescripto13 chapter 9 . 5/6/2011
Kakashi does fit the role of the reluctant hero well, doesn't he?

A good read, Xeno.
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