Reviews for Shuffle
Sophia Riddle chapter 11 . 8/3/2010
I like the way they decided to named the dog Sherlock XD
Sophia Riddle chapter 10 . 8/3/2010
now is it just me, or the ending sounds like.. a Chinese tragic love story? ..cause I do feel that way.. lovers died and then turned into butterflies.. hm.. anyway, it's a nice story though, I usually hate reading death!fic.. since it's all going to be sad and all, (though I have written one death!fic myself...) but you have done it beautifully..
Cleavage Queen chapter 10 . 6/30/2010

the butterflies did it for me.

My goodness... how am I supposed to go to work now?
Ms Shinra chapter 11 . 3/28/2010
chapter 10 was very moving.

made 4 tears fall :P Good work :d
Law Denvir chapter 11 . 3/24/2010
Aw! Do a sequel! I don't know how you can with... /That/ being it, but do one anyways! I'm not a writer, i don't care about the 'hows' so long as its done, LOL!
Law Denvir chapter 10 . 3/24/2010
My god, i teared up all the way through. I cursed myself and didn't full-blown cry, but MY GOD! Evil. One of my first Rats died of a broken heart. His brother for 4 years died, and themn two weeks later, he was curled up in the same position. Dead, obviously. The saddest thing. :( I don't want to see my grandparents go like that, which, they will. :( *sigh*
ProudToBe-LimpingTwerp chapter 11 . 3/15/2010
interesting. sorta sweet. but i think were all looking for more hilson goodness then that.
pgrabia chapter 11 . 3/14/2010
Aw! So sweet! I like the way House tries to act tough but all the dog has to do is look at him with those big puppy-dog eyes and he folds! Really good!
Amelia Badguy chapter 11 . 3/14/2010
Me agrado mucho *-*

Soory, I don't speak english... creo que es lo Ășnico que se decir XD.
Camlem chapter 11 . 3/14/2010
"What can I say, I'm attracted to helpless creatures with leg injuries."

Ha, well found! :D

This was really cute, and I loved the POV choice... good job :P
Fate-Means-Screwed-On-Purpose chapter 10 . 3/3/2010
I unabasfully bawled my eyes out reading this. I loved it! I loved it! I loved it! Thankyou for the aweome sequel my friend!
han8661 chapter 10 . 3/3/2010
aw so sad! So really sad! Best sad house/wilson fic ever!
AsteriskNova chapter 10 . 3/2/2010
Aww crap. Here I was, telling myself that so many authors exaggerate, or are little girls, and how I can take a sad chapter or two ...

And then I started tearing up. At the very beginning too! Really nice chapter, tears and all. But hopefully the next part will be happier?
Camlem chapter 10 . 3/2/2010
*admits to crying*

This was a great piece, and I expect a reimbursement on the tissues I had to use.

Haha jk, but this was really sweet. Thanks for sharing :P
pgrabia chapter 10 . 3/2/2010
It made me cry, too. It's true that sometimes that one spouse will die soon after the other for no other reason than they simply can't go on without their mate. My grandparents were that way. She died of natural causes and two weeks later so did he (and he wasn't even ill before hand! Talk of romantic!) I really liked this and it's going on my favorites list!
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