Reviews for Iron Chef Symphonia: Michiba vs Sage
ChaoticChris chapter 7 . 4/10/2010
This wasn't bad! It was crazy good, an awesome ending if I must say! The way you incorporated every member of the party in this was splendid, especially because friendship-like atmospheres in stories are the ones I enjoy most. Also the creativity continues w/ Michiba's Over Limit! If it had a name would it be called 'Tetsujin Torch'? Haha. It was a very funny scene that made me laugh and smile. The conversation between Lloyd & Raine also was a laugh. And I truly loved your final two scenes at the end. Genis being nervous when asking Presea to have a taste of his cooking was cute. But what really got me in all 'Awws!' was the last scene. Confession scenes can easily be overly lovely-dovey and hold barely any meaning, making the scene seem unrealistic. However, yours was given a flare of reason. The way you depicted Presea finding her soul and her emotions to Genis' way of cooking was genius, and that's what gave the confession a deeper reason and gave it life. Without reason or a meaning in a confession, I’m just left with a horrible taste of pointless romance in my mouth. But your writing is the exact opposite.

Overall, in a cooking sense, your writing in this story was like umami; savoring to the very last word. I thank you for that. It’s nice to read a good story for once. I haven’t read much that entertains me recently, so again thank you. And to my surprise, your story has not only entertained me, but it gave me a stroke of inspiration for another Gesea story once I finish the ‘Hourglass Effect’, and that’s something rare for me to become inspired so quickly. I look forward to reading your other work and any other future projects that you are planning to post, J.W.! Best of luck with your writing! :3

- Christa [Cwister]
ChaoticChris chapter 6 . 4/10/2010
Such a nice ending to the battle. The way you built up tension w/ the internal thoughts of Genis and depicting both chefs as they waited for the announcement was perfect and set the stage. It's nice that Michiba won and, in doing so, gained back his cooking spirit. I couldn't imagine what would have happened if he didn't get it back. And I found it fitting that you made Genis still have a feeling of accomplishment even after losing the battle. To have helped the one who once inspired you is a victory in itself. I would've felt the same way too. Also I really loved your Genis & Presea interaction at the end! It was an adorable way of wrapping up the events and Genis' continual thoughts of the post-battle.

- Christa [Cwister]
ChaoticChris chapter 5 . 4/10/2010
Oh, darn you, J.W., for your cliff-hanger at the end! Haha. I was seriously thinking you'd announce the winner then and there. The dish scoring seemed quite even to me, so I couldn't really tell who was ahead of who. ... Maybe Presea's psychic abilities are right like her percentages? Well, whoever does win, I hope the other will feel just as victorious in a sense.

- Christa [Cwister]
ChaoticChris chapter 4 . 4/10/2010
Very comical chapter w/ the problem of the dull knives in the stadium, and a clever idea of using Lloyd's twin blades as cutting utensils instead. It's nice to see Michiba finally getting back into his cooking and becoming more calm as the battle progressed. Although, I can't say the same for Genis. Poor guy ended up getting stressed and forgot to put in the noodles. Even so, I hope to find that the dish results will be good for both chefs. And I'm really wondering who will end up being victorious.

- Christa [Cwister]
ChaoticChris chapter 3 . 4/10/2010
Good job building up the tension pre-battle. It's a bit surprising yet funny how much more famous at how Genis has become in the ICS world. An already known Chef, flashing lights from photographers, his own specialized uniform, a gigantic banner with his face (can't help but smile when I imagine all of it). Well, an amazing feat of beating an Iron Chef at the age of tweleve can give you that I guess. Haha. And I thoroughly enjoyed how you revealed the secret ingredient. It takes wit to make a riddle like that, so bravo!

- Christa [Cwister]
ChaoticChris chapter 2 . 4/10/2010
D'aww... more sadness for Michiba. I can totally relate from where he's coming from w/ his Broth of Vigor. I too have had talents, but after some life-changing moments, I felt like I had lost them. However, in time, I gained it back. And I hope Michiba will be able to get past his conflict and gain back his cooking spirit too. I really enjoyed the conversation between Sheena & Michiba and how you brought Corrine into it as well as friendship from the game. It fits perfectly in that scene and it was done great!

- Christa [Cwister]
ChaoticChris chapter 1 . 4/8/2010
Geez, Michiba is losing his cooking spirit? Man, no wonder he's so full of sorrow, especially since it's the thing he loved doing most. Makes me feel bad for him... Although I found it adorable seeing Genis scurrying around for products while Presea gave her insight of Genis' character. Also Genis getting the Chef's position in Altamira, just funny and cute to think that a twelve year-old like him could already get such a status in society. And speaking of funny, loved your play on Iron Toxicosis. References from the actual game always make me smile.

Overall, I find the beginning well-done, and a good transition from the events of the first ICS story. Now I'll just have to see how you take the conflicts and make an intriguing plot or, in a more related sense, see how you take the ingredients and make an exciting, unique dish. Haha. Forgive my lame analogy.

I’ll try to read and review the rest tomorrow. It’s almost midnight in my place, so I need to get going to sleep. Don’t want to be sleep deprived too much. :3

- Christa [Cwister]