Reviews for Indiscretion
Funeral.Bell chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
Sephiroth's view on the matter and what to do was brilliant~!

Total kudos for that.

Llev chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
that was kinda hot, nice job
xstarlightxstarlessx chapter 1 . 1/29/2010
This is the perfect Sephiroth! I loved this when I first saw it over at the kink meme and I just noticed today you wrote it (yes I am that slow). You should definitely write more fics from Sephiroth's point of view. He just oozes evil and that line "I could have killed them all in their sleep, for your incompetence" made me gurgle with happiness.

Cloud and Leon were alright too :P
zoe chocobo chapter 1 . 1/26/2010
You have written the perfect Sephiroth. The story from his point of view is just fabulous. I could go on and babble with lame words such as "awesome" and "wicked awesome," but I'm just going to end That just about sums it up. Definite favorite.
coldfiredragon chapter 1 . 1/20/2010
OH! Please write more? This was well done. I would love to see something from Squall's POV when Cloud pushes him away. He can be so neurotic and he's going to play right into Sephiroth's hands.

I was pleased to see that you didn't overdo the sexual encounter. It was graphic but not so much so that it completely overwhelmed the fic. Seeing the relationship through Sephiroth's eyes was a nice change. Usually is someone writes Cloud/Squall it's always from one of their perspectives so this was a nice switch. Also, I LOVE that you had Cloud topping. A lot of people seem to think that Squall will top if they got together because he's such a control freak. Also, I like that you remember that Squall's the younger of the pair. Some forget that he's only a teenager especially after the way he is portrayed in Dissidia.

Nice fic. I hope to see more from you. You have a nice well flowing writing style.
NinjaSheik chapter 1 . 1/18/2010
Stellar Eclipse chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
I think you know how much I love this one. X3 Your Sephiroth is brilliant and manipulative and just perfect.