Reviews for The Nightmare About Christmas
Kakashifan727 chapter 14 . 11/25/2018
Ok I love this. It’s cute.
Kakashifan727 chapter 4 . 10/18/2018
Oh wow. You know... I...mmm... I’d love to rewrite this series for you.
Kakashifan727 chapter 2 . 10/18/2018
Cute. Cliche and full of grammar mistakes but cute.
Guest chapter 25 . 1/1/2018
Wait a minute... Oogie don't have no fingers in which to snap 0.0... -_- Illuminati confirmed.

P. S Great chapter tho I must say
blackmagicwitchkatie chapter 29 . 10/26/2014
- this was great
Guest chapter 29 . 8/1/2013
I loved it please add more chapters to it :D
Paintedwings77 chapter 29 . 1/28/2013
Oh my gosh! I am at a loss for words. You my dear have quite a talent, and this story is a wonderful example of it.

I cannot remember when I last read anything (including novels from well known authors) that have left me with such feelings. Its not often that an author can pull strings on the readers emotions but you did a wonderful job.

When the moments were tender with Jack and Eve I found myself holding my breath in anticipation for what would happened, and when the truth was revealed to them and how their love was essentially stolen away from them (twice now!) I felt such sorrow and sadness at the injustice of it all.

Thank you for writing such a wonderful story, and I look forward to the following book!
Paintedwings77 chapter 15 . 1/27/2013
I have read 15 chapters and I am absolutely captivated.
the story between Jack and Eve is sweet. I cannot recall reading so many chapters of a fanfiction all at once.

I am very curious to see what will happen when Jack finds out she is human.
jinxbadluck012 chapter 29 . 12/19/2012
so what the last chapter it so sad
Angel of Randomosity chapter 29 . 6/22/2012
That was an amazing story! Simply FANTASTIC! I loved the plotline, and your OC is very well thought out by the way! I'm pretty glad I found this one!

And really, it just cracks me up how many people agree on the fact that Oogie was responsible for Jack's death. Oh the IDEAS I can find in this place! XD Lol.

Well, anywho I'll be lookin' forward to that sequal! C-YA!

Ange de Randomosity
x PlasticSmile chapter 28 . 10/14/2011
woah.. this chapter was amaizing .. cant wait to see if jack will rescue Eve
Spectre2317 chapter 28 . 10/13/2011
yay new chp please update again!
Angel Little chapter 27 . 10/6/2011
All caught up! Amazing but don't worry I promise to be nice. I liked the story and the flow. Check your spelling though you have a couple words that are oddly spelled. like frustrated, you spelled it so oddly I can't even spell it like you did. It was the chapter about finding the doorway to Christmas town.

Happy writing and looking forward to the grand finale!
technoWriter15 chapter 1 . 10/5/2011
x PlasticSmile chapter 27 . 10/5/2011
.. A new chapter finally.. thnx

the story is just amaizing.. and hunting ( in a good way )..

cant wait to see what will happen next .
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