Reviews for Commodities
Ryuka32 chapter 10 . 9/6/2014
Your cruel for writing that last bit... "At least then your first could have been...special."
(-.- ) hmph...but I still love this story. Just, after a long time, I'm re-reading it. 3
BlackLioness chapter 14 . 6/3/2014
I was looking for a story from this fandom that would pull at my heartstrings and boy, did this one do its job well (a bit too well actually, I'm still shell-shocked by just how terribly/wonderfully tragic this tale is)! The plot was interesting and easy to follow, the characterization all round was superb and your OC Relana fit perfectly among the anime/manga ones. I love how you portrayed the relationship between Grell and Sebastian and how you remained true to Sebastian's demonic side - I'm definitely reading the sequel as I'm dying to find out what happens to the these truly beautifully written characters. Thank you for writing this gorgeous story, it was an amazing read!
Anonyymi chapter 14 . 6/3/2010
This story needs more reviews, this is probably the best Kuroshitsuji story involving Grell and Sebastian (it is unfortunate but understandable that there was no romance) I read all of your story in the space of a few hours and I am in awe! I enjoyed all of this, and I could have cried at the heart-wrenching actions done to Grell, I want to know what happens to him, do you mention him at all in The Mortal Coil? I haven't read it yet, but I will as soon as I can, I want William to know and understand and love Grell and for him not be punished at all after and long and painful journey. (considering the story has already be published my wishes may be in vain, I don't know if I could read of him being hurt further, though) This story far exceeds mine in talent, you've inspired my perfectionism, I wish that my own story was half as good as yours! Normally, I appreciate Sebastian, but as far as this story in concerned I hate him entirely. I don't feel sorry for him at all, all of my pity is for my beloved Grell. Thank you, for writing this, uploading it, and finishing it. Even if it is done I still think that you deserve reviews and I will re-read it (not too soon, I need to read The Mortal Coil and find out more about Grell) eventually. Thank you!
imanewme chapter 14 . 4/10/2010
"I think, perhaps, I will hunt more exotic game for awhile..."

Oh! The first thing I thought of was shinigami hunting. "Grell hunting we will go, Grell hunting we will go, hi ho a cheerio, Grell hunting we will go!"

On a serious note, this was a very dark piece and a fitting dark ending. I felt bad for all of them. The witch is alone because Ciel doesn't want to stay with her. Ciel is truly lost in a sense that there's no place in this world for him. Grell's good as dust and there's not much to say about it. Which leaves Sebastian. I'm holding a hope that "Mortal Coil" gets into what Sebastian is avoiding. I get that he doesn't want to end up staying in Hell with the woman, but the question is "why." That it's left open for interpretation helps, actually.

This might appear to be a thumbs down review, but I assure you it is not. I'm impressed with your ability to make me feel something. It just so happens that this time what I felt was a tad bit of despair. That's what you're going for, right? Thank you for the journey.
imanewme chapter 1 . 4/6/2010
This is so awesome. I love the push/pull thing going on between Grell and Sebastian. I normally don't root for this pairing, but in this story I do. I normally don't like Grell, but this story makes my heart ache for him. Egads your prose is beautiful.

*sigh* I'm mostly wondering where Ceil is right now and if Grell and Sebastian can at least part on civil terms if they can't be friendly. (poor Grell... he's been so abused!) Sebastian's in trouble now that he's told Grell his weakness, that is, if Grell catches on to exactly how significant the water's effect on Sebastian is.

I'm subscribing to the story so I can enjoy the future chapters ASAP. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and dark piece. You've made my day. ::bows::
BokuraNoLoveStyle chapter 13 . 4/6/2010
ahh i love i love! im so glad you updated this (im not sure if my other review got put up or not cuz i wrote a rather long one...hmm) but my interest in this is still there!

as for what you can do with sebby hmm im not really sure but im somewhat expecting the other demons to come in and try and take grell XD and sebby has to save him lol but thats my mind for ya aha and im also expecting for william to find out that grell helped bring back ciel P

anyways so yes I can't wait for more deary!
LovelyWickedDescet chapter 13 . 4/6/2010
Lol. Hahha.. Grell you idoit.. (smirks) How stupid must you be in order to finally relise that Sebastian was just playing you all alone.. Oh the sheer irony of finding this out a little late in the game no. 'chuckles' Ah.. Sebastian was back to himself at some point, but it seems not for very long. Poor little demon. Hm.. A damnation to salvation always leads to a hidden answer.

(Crap.. I'm turning into Ciellen. GAH!)

Update soon.. 'smirks with mischief in her eyes.' I'm awaiting more Grell torture.

Ladye chapter 13 . 4/5/2010
Oh Grell... Your story is quietly intense.
Night Yagami chapter 12 . 3/25/2010
:O that was so intense

so many horrible things are happening to grell. he doesn't even like blood anymore? the poor dear...

i hope sebasu-chan comes around and falls deep in love! grell would be a perfect mate.
LovelyWickedDescet chapter 12 . 3/25/2010
Aw, I'm going to miss the Grell torture ( I don't like him very much), but its nice to see he has finally changed somewhat after that little incident (smirks).

Ciel your finally back, I can't wait to see how you deal with being alive once more.. (probably not very well seeing as Sebastian was suppose to keep the end of the bargan but gave you to finish up a debt.). I liked how you discribed Ciel souls most people uses Bleach's form of souls (there not very good and just so common I swear, not very creative there.) it really fit Ciel and I could just picture the whole seen so well. Haha.. Karma is one mean * isn't she Sebastain. Hm.. I wonder what you'll do after this seeing as your debt has been repayed.

A frowned abit at the fluff between Sebastian and Grell at the beginning it just made Sebastian seem a bit ooc, and there was few grammar mistakes but nothing major.

Update soon.


P.S: I might not be able to review for awhile. Tommorrow the phone will be turned off, seeing as mom is not wanting to pay the bill (damn verizon cheats you out of your money.). So I might not be on for awhile, but promise to review as soon as I get back. (Hopefully that is soon.)
LovelyWickedDescet chapter 11 . 3/15/2010
Hm.. 'purrs' what entertainment. Grell finally exspecting his faults with a side of depression bursting through the doors, and Sebastian.. getting soft isn't he. I wonder what Ciel is going to think when he wakes up, won't be pleasant I doubt, a bit of relief but not pleasant. 'smirks' all the more amusing to see what happens next.

You know for sometime now it seems to be a GrellxSebastian mostly, I'm quite glad that we now get to Ciel..

BokuraNoLoveStyle chapter 11 . 3/10/2010
So i got the notification in my email that there was a new chappie of this and huzzah i was super excited! made my night so much better i think i actually squee'd 0.0

but hey a long night at work and coming home to this story i think is wonderful lol ANYWAY onto your review neh?

I really enjoy how you portray Sebastian and well, of course, Grell and I hope to write a story as good as this you missy are my idol hehe And i feel so bad for grell and i do think he believes all that, about how he just wants to be loved and he thinks about why am i a nuisance for everyone? so i'm very glad you put that in there. It's nice to see that side of grell.

Oh! and i read the Purrfect love I cant wait for more of that one aha! it looks adorable!

i70./albums/i92/SeitenTaisen/TabDiversityform_ (i rew that it sorta reminds me of purfect love lol )
Night Yagami chapter 11 . 3/10/2010
What an emotional chapter. I've had the same thoughts as Grell before, during a very dark chapter of my life when I thought nobody loved me. Of course, I was wrong (and I'm fine now)... but Grell really isn't; no one seems to care for him at all.


lol at least the fangirls love him. great job as always, and I particularly enjoyed the lyricism of the last paragraph. phrases such as "nature's green bosom" really set your writing style apart.
Night Yagami chapter 10 . 3/4/2010
Oh man oh man oh man that was so sad T.T i'm literally crying right now. i want to hug grell and make him all better.
SN chapter 10 . 3/4/2010
I am really enjoying this story...SebastianxGrell is my OTP so this chapter was a little hard but maybe Sebby will wake up a little after. Really not looking forward to Ceil's return, and this has nothing to do with your writing...I just can't really stand him. In fact I would probably say I hate him. Looking forward to the next chapter though! Keep up the good writing!
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