Reviews for Journey Through Hell, Part 1
X Moonchik chapter 103 . 12/16/2004
*Wanders in late... very late.* Yeah... finally I've managed to get around to finding my way back to this. Surprsingly, everything came back once I picked up where I left off.

Made me remember how much I loved this and your writing. Onto the last bit now,
Final Rose chapter 52 . 6/3/2004
I came over to see your fanfics, and I must admit, I'm addicted to this one. I'm glad you have it finished, or I would be forced to wait weeks to finish it.
Kay chapter 61 . 7/24/2003

Rascal chapter 105 . 3/28/2003
(chuckle) GLORIOUS! Too many chapters to upload! :D :D Seriously, have you considered publishing this sucker?

OOh...anyone reminded of wolf-packs? Except for the gender thing. _ Hal would be better for the team, I think. They might not have the cash, but they'd be, well, not dead. Woo hoo.

Poor mentally damaged Jordane...I wish she wouldn't be. I don't like co-dependent depressive types. Can't find anything to talk about with 'em.

...Onwards to part TWO! :D
Rascal chapter 104 . 3/28/2003
In Noctem? (blink blink) Is that Latin? Something to do with being nocturnal? Or...not? _- Poor Blade...(snerk) Did I just use that phrase?

Erm...and by that I, I really mean I feel pity towards Blade. Hmm. I kind of want to smack Zahra, though. She gets to me...a little too much of the Independent Woman! act. Though she is nice to Daryn. Which gives her bonus points.

...Am I getting too absorbed with the characters? -

...I mean, I don't like making comments about Hal 'cause she'd be embarassed if she saw them. _-

(bows) My compliments to the author!
Rascal chapter 103 . 3/28/2003
WOAH, DARYN! SLOW DOWN, BOY! Are we discovering new abilities here? Why yes! Yes we are! :D Have I ever mentioned how I very much approve of your titles? They make sense after you read the chapter, but beforehand give nothing away...just arouse your curiosity. Woo, woo. And Jordane IS pregant! I KNEW IT! YE-EE-ES! XD XD

You create very human minor characters. That's admirable. It gives the story more depth - the world doesn't just exist FOR the characters, the characters exist in the world. I love that element of interaction. :]
Rascal chapter 102 . 3/28/2003
::leaps up and down and cheers:: BLITZ! BLITZ! BLITZBLITZBLITZ! So I have a crush on the guy. _- Big deal. Not MY fault he's a sexy beast. Not that Kyle ISN'T, mind you - but...but...well, Zach is about seven hundred times more so. Right. Sorry. Focus on the writing here. Yes. Sexysexy writing. Anyhoo. :] MORE!
Tiger5913 chapter 105 . 3/23/2003
*grins sheepishly* Ya never know with these crazy kids, heh. 0
Maxwell Dark chapter 105 . 3/22/2003
Jhonen is posessed. quick fetch an old priest and a young priest. that was just plain creepy but so cool. why can't LAe just stay dead without the whole taking control of bodies thing. i like our neighborhood Sixth Sense kid but he just needs the hell knocked out of him and Suzuka would be great to do it. Jordane can't do anything irrational can she, for the kids sake at least and this shows Blade does have emotions. And poor Hal is just getting sucked into it.
Maxwell Dark chapter 104 . 3/22/2003
Jordane and Blade can't get a break. as strong as they are though the kid will be fine. Right? the Zhara and Daryn moment was very nice. sucks they seem to be joining opposite teams though that'll add some conflict which is alwyas so entertaining. how the team gona take hearing Jordane is with child
SilentPegasus chapter 105 . 3/21/2003
Hm whats going on here eh? This is something new for me. Well i figured Nike would be bad news even after death but...well I'll just have to wait and see how it all goes eh.

Anyway, again good job. I thought this chapter was more of a lead in, a prelude, u might say for whats comming next so it didn't thrill me like some of your others. But i realise how necessary it is and i was glad to see a new chapter posted. Again, loved the chapter title. I might have read more into it then you intended but i thought it was very appropraite. I think you'd be great a creating headlines.

Anyway, i'm needed elsewheres. I'm glad Suzuka's comming back into play. I love seeing her play a part. It's like i'm reading a screen play and she's the character i have to prepare for. I just smile whenever i read. The way you've incorporated her into the story is just fantastic. Keep up the bloody brillant work and can't wait to see the next chapter.

Sabrin chapter 105 . 3/20/2003
O...tension! Sorciere, you keep up this writin and you'll have the longest story on in no time! Doin' great!
MissNovelist chapter 105 . 3/20/2003
That was freaky! I mean, that part with Lae and Jhonen. How /did/ she do that? And come on Suzuka forgive Jhonen! He's a good guy! .:hugs her now manipulated and twisted creation:. Okay, maybe not. Anyway, great chapter. I'm feeling really sad for Jordane. But no abortions! No! XD And hooray for Part II that's not really a Part II! Muhahah. Keep writing!
Sabrin chapter 104 . 3/19/2003
No, abortion bad. Besides, they can name the kid Knife, so you have a Blade and a Knife! *laughs at her own lame joke* You just keep up with the plot twists, eh? But it was bound to happen! Very awesome so far, and I say go for the full ending!
Sabrin chapter 102 . 3/19/2003
Yes! They got out! Another exciting chapter Sorciere!
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