Reviews for Doldrums and Deep Waters
nomdeplume30 chapter 14 . 9/11/2017
Love this story! This was one of my first fanfiction stories that I ever read years ago and introduced me to the Sherlock Holmes fandom. I can still remember sitting at my computer completely enthralled by this story. It's still one of the best I've ever read. Great characterization, and I loved how you pulled them out of character but had a good explanation, then made everything work out in the end. Gotta have my happy you for sharing!
Basil Allegri chapter 14 . 5/16/2016
Nice look into the Victorian Holmes and Watson relationship. I think you stayed fairly true to their characters. You did a good job writing Watson's spiral into an induced depression.
WelcomeToTheAsylum chapter 14 . 12/12/2015
Nicely written. I didn't see any of that coming, but it all made such sense after!
Nearing Midnight chapter 14 . 10/27/2015
This was an excellent story! Undoubtedly one of the best I've read so far in the ACD Sherlock Holmes fandom. That twist at the end really did surprise me, and yet was believable and provided significant explanation for Watson's changed behaviour. Great story all-around, and definitely going on my favourites list.

PSW chapter 14 . 6/27/2015
Wow. What an awful week or so they had! I suspected the tobacco, but didn't quite catch on to its addicting qualities - why he was smoking so much more. Poor Watson, quite the collateral damage there. And Mrs. Hudson too! Glad Holmes was able to figure it out. Thanks for writing!
EdithPearl chapter 4 . 4/4/2015
I didn't know that three way syringe system was already in use at that time.
Awesome. Bythe way, that professor is an idiot
Starluff chapter 14 . 12/2/2014
I love that SO much! I devoured it all in one sitting, so you'll have to forgive me for not reviewing any of the previous chapters. In any case, I loved pretty much everything about this! The in depth description of the surgery (you obviously know your stuff), the characterization, the plot... I just loved it! Though the surprise at the end wasn't much of a surprise (from the moment Beaumarriss mentioned that Watson was under the influence, I realized it must have been that) but that didn't detract from the story at all. And the surprisingly fluffy ending! That was so cute! Thank you so much for the enjoyable read!
Honor Reid chapter 14 . 11/11/2014
This was very nicely done! I enjoyed the mystery as well as the h/c.

Thanks so much!
Dogmatil chapter 14 . 9/12/2013
Awww I so LOVE Holmes! Although he can be quite an ass at times when the mood strikes, he's still a great and loyal friend for Watson (and I love when he gets all protective of the good doctor xD )
Guest chapter 2 . 2/26/2013
Ooooohh... *-*
And yet, this is still believable, the way you write! Well done!
Hmm... and how exactly *could* things get worse?
*anxiously clicks arrow to the next chapter.*
Azolean chapter 14 . 7/8/2012
Love it.
Tex1051 chapter 14 . 1/13/2012
i love this story, you did it so well, i read it all at once!

keep writing

BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 14 . 12/12/2011
What a great hug moment.
BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 13 . 12/12/2011
This is getting twisted.
BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 12 . 12/12/2011
So that's what happened. I'm glad everything's resolved now.
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