Reviews for A Matter of Honor
Guest chapter 2 . 4/5/2015
I love it. The first chapter is dramatic then the fic ends with such adorable fluffiness ;)
vaetta chapter 2 . 11/5/2014
Pikeebo chapter 2 . 7/17/2013
Yea... at least yuuri did feel something for wolf ... not a facade ..
DinieLuvYunho chapter 2 . 1/3/2013
Omg Yuuri really.. How could he believed that Wolfram's uncle would let his favourite nephew die, let alone his the cause of it.. Yuuri is too is too innocent and stupid for his own good.. Well at least now he happy and content with his life beside his now husband Wolfram.. Im not going to agree more with him.. Thanks Yozak, you really are something hehe.. Oh btw, i really love to see flushed Wolfram.. I bet he is really cute and tempting, ne Yuuki.. ;-)
Mabs chapter 1 . 12/3/2012
LOL I think it's ironic that the date Yuri picked is the supposedly end of the world day LOL...
rokudaime09 chapter 2 . 12/6/2011
ok i'm curious as to what happened to that trunk how did it got there? hahaha maybe a side story?
rokudaime09 chapter 1 . 12/6/2011
that was good and cunning! hahahaha great plot yosak!
sakura-iris57 chapter 2 . 12/3/2011
Yozak is soooo "evil" and terribly cunning in this story... I LOVE IT!

At first I was really worried that Wolfram would actually be forced to commit suicide... But hahaha nice one Yozak!

I'm really impressed with your stories, although most of what I've read makes me want to cry but at least the ending works out for everyone. The way you tell the story makes me, as a reader, emphatize with the characters.

"It's not necessarily the 'day,' so much as the 'night'" this line was truly hilarious! And that part where Wolfram was trying to help Yuuri escape was just~ I didn't know whether I should laugh, sigh or face palm!

But I wanted to ask, was that Honor's Resolution thing actually true or something Yozak made up?
rowen raven chapter 2 . 7/7/2011
Well as always its a joy to read your stories. Yozak has a way to manipulate people, that was devious and low, and worked so well. I love the way he sympathies with Wolfram (more so than his own brothers) and it's kind of sad that Wolfram's predicament stop's him from finding love of his own. Its sad to see the interactions he has with Conrat (though i'm not a great fan of him) that longing for something more, but he is unable to attain it, by his own fears and lack of encouragement on Conrat's part as well, when you say they can't be together socially and militarily its because birth rights and ranks i suppose. Still your Wolf and Yuuri are always adorable together. I would like to see Yozak get a bit of happiness too, maybe in a future story. Again brilliant work.

P.s. uhmn a thought just popped in my mind, in the story 'It Ends like This' There is a part that goes like, "Murata, in the role of Great Sage, stood by the door, pulling his collar up to hide his latest collection of purpling love bites." Just who gave him those love bites? i know its a random and inconsequential question but i'm dying of curiosity.
NowakiStar chapter 2 . 3/10/2011
This story is so adorable! It's well written too! Great work! _
Mouse-size-Dragon chapter 2 . 12/4/2010
Woah, just...woah. That was beautiful.

The whole honor thing was great, I like how I can feel a little uncertain about what Wolf's fate would have been (Would he really have died? Was Yozak exaggerating? If so how much of what he told Yuuri was true? Is there a chance that Wolf's life was never really in danger at all?).

And the second chapter being their anniversary was genius.
Sighcoe chapter 2 . 7/28/2010
Good grief... I can't help but to blush whenever I read your stories... I think I'm going crazy.
eclst chapter 2 . 7/20/2010
omg! I'm a fan and I didn't review this fic! o. How is that possible? It was beautiful! I was hoping for some smexy cuteness or something but this turned out just as great :D.

How did I miss this? :clings: You're too cool xD!

You need to write more T_T. I haven't seen anything new from you :pouts:
Gingerbread Owl chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
Ahahahaa, Yozak's last line killed me!
Anne1313 chapter 2 . 4/15/2010
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