Reviews for Okama Tango
Skittles Pie chapter 1 . 3/28/2012
I saw that fanart! I was actually wondering if anyone did a fic on that yet lol
Momosportif chapter 1 . 6/10/2010
Oh my goodness, this was just too adorable! 3 It's so unique and unexpected; I can't believe I found it! What a gem! XD

I think what I loved the most was how well you nailed the characters! And I would think Bon Clay would be hard to write, but you absolutely owned! XD It was perfect from the very first paragraph where you talked about him and his belief in versatility...blew my mind with perfection and just got better from there! XD The whole time I could totally hear them talking too (that list of things you can't do in a tutu was just...magical XD) and you painted such a clear picture with your narrative it was liking watching a bonus episode! XD

Then of course there's the overwhelming cuteness of the idea of them tango-ing around...all the descriptions of the difference in their paces, movements, etc were spectacular. The part where you transitioned from what Bon Clay had done for him being big to his strides being to big was hysterical and ingenious (I can just see Bon Clay totally whacking him without even missing a beat XD)

And then that ending quote! 3 So well executed! :D This is, in my mind, the very poster child for the well-written oneshot! I bow to you and a thousand thank yous for the unparalleled beauty!


Baka-chan chapter 1 . 1/26/2010
Yay! Bon-chan! He's my 5th favorite character in One Piece; I'm really happy you made a fic about him. :D There needs to be more fics about him. He definitely deserves them. )
Lady Emzebel chapter 1 . 1/26/2010
*tackleglomps to the floor*

You win teh internet for this; for giving me the serious lulz and muchos warm and fuzzy feelings in my tummy. :3 This was absolutely darling and I would LOVE to see that fanart.

Teehee, poor Sanji. You'd think he;d have learned by now that he's trapped in a Shonen world, where ALL the characters are male...well, most of them, at least. XD


New Wonder chapter 1 . 1/26/2010
YesyesYES, finally something about Bon Kurei and Luffy! I'm happy like you wouldn't believe. Thank you!