Reviews for Life Here and After
Cavisze chapter 3 . 7/7/2016
I laughed so much!
socialgirl378 chapter 5 . 10/23/2015
Wow, that last chapter is quite pre-steamy. Least I'm glad it doesn't go to a lemon. I get really uncomfortable when it comes to those. Love the previous four chapters you made. Especially the first two.
bookwurm247 chapter 5 . 6/10/2014
I just love the movie one. I can relate to your hatred of Orihime. :)
onlytoask chapter 5 . 2/17/2014
Great little series of ficlets.
Quickslice chapter 5 . 1/18/2014
Ichigo being addicted to Rukia is very much welcome specially for me, bah! I don't want any pairings for any of them but themselves!
Quickslice chapter 3 . 1/18/2014
Oh Tituba-san, did you know how many times I read the first part of this chapter to make sure I didn't misread it? (Here I go again, commenting while in the middle of my read) Heh! I almost Bankai Ichigo for that particular part! Ho- okay, I need to calm down.
withoutManga chapter 5 . 11/24/2013
no more? like all of your fic, this one is great
you love writing sex-hungry Ichigo and I love read it... it's not difficult to imagine Ichigo so addicted to Rukia
thank you and continue your amazing work, please...
meantoddy chapter 5 . 6/8/2013
And we love reading about sex hungry Ichigo. Please continue! :)
Guest chapter 5 . 4/26/2013
We need more sex-hungry ichigo STAT/ASAP/ NOW!
wynnsy chapter 3 . 1/8/2012
I like this scenario- can you please write a longer story with this one-shot as inspiration? :)
Ichigo's FAV Twin chapter 5 . 8/10/2011
omg this was soo great. im soo glad i found an author lik u on this site. i love ur stories.

i hope ur novel goes well im sure wen it gets published that its going to be a hit.

those people that write fLAmes about ur stories obviously hav no taste wen it cums to literature and wat the heck if ur going to make an opinion bout sumthing even if its harsh u should hav the balls to tell the person ur critizing who u are.

screw them! UR AWESOME! They just dont realize that. im hoping that u will still write fanfiction.

hahaha its always great to read a horny and sex addicted Ichigo. I can imagine him lik that even though hes a prude but an adorable and sexy prude.

Anyway im hoping to hear more from you caus an author lik u shouldnt go unnoticed.

alex chapter 1 . 6/29/2011
oops. Typo...:) *your talent not our talent. :)
alex chapter 5 . 6/26/2011
Hi, Miss Tituba3. I've been a great fan of your fanfiction, most especially Odalisque. I'd like to say good luck on your novel! When it comes out please tell us, we'd all love to purchase and read it! Thank you for sharing our talent with us. We've truly enjoyed it. You can be sure that I'll be reading all of your fanfics over and over again. :)
niiha chapter 1 . 6/14/2011
good luck with your book, im sure it will be really good :)
calypso69 chapter 5 . 4/13/2011
That was...short AND T- rated. However, it was interesting and sweet. The piece I liked best was the one where Ichigo is the action star and Rukia is the writer who is writing sex scenes b/w Ichigo and Orihime just to get back at him... really enjoyable... especially the way you make Ichigo cringe at the thought of another scene with Orihime and the beautiful way you bring out Orihime's natural creepiness..

Keep up the good work. And please post that angsty fic you talked about. I would love to read it.
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