Reviews for Lead, I Follow
FantomeDePapier chapter 1 . 8/11/2012
I absolutely love this! great narration and characterization (: It feels like it has a unique escense about it... and I really like the way you write about Kanda in this story, it's different, in a good way.
Nayru-chan chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
I simply loved this story to bits - it was an interesting aproach and I don't think I've ever read anything of the sort in regards to the DGM fandom yet.

And I need to say that you have an awesome writing style. :D
Indiahenna chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
That was really, really good. I cared about the characters, even though they didn't exist for more than a couple thousand words. It touched me; most authors need multiple chapters or entire books to do that. Great job.
Miss Girly chapter 1 . 7/5/2010
That was beautiful.

I tend to greatly dislike OC's on principle when reading a fanfic, and I greatly dislike fanfics that have OC's as main characters. My logic is, "I've come here to read about my favourite characters, not about a character I've never heard of that someone else made-up"

But this story blew me away, and I even found myself almost in tears when one of the marry troupe passed. It was wonderful seeing my favourite characters through the eyes of a new and innocent, young boy, and despite what I said in my first paragraph, I fully enjoyed this story.

And that's the biggest praise I can give you.
Sony Boy chapter 1 . 6/19/2010
I love this, seeing Kanda through the eyes of a newbie exorsist is just awsome. Especially when his view chages through the story.
bluebellsblewblues chapter 1 . 4/12/2010
Beautiful. You captured Kanda quite well. . Loved it.
Shinjiteru chapter 1 . 1/31/2010
I'll give a full review later (when my brain works, it's after midnight here) but I just wanted to tell you this shot is wonderful, and I love it with all of my heart. You made me cry. Thank you so much for writing this! It's beautiful!
waterlit chapter 1 . 1/29/2010
it's hard to think of something appropriate to say for this, because it's quite good on all counts.

it's really very moving, especially the part where kanda wrote down the name of the dead exorcist. it's not a side of kanda often portrayed in fanfic. i liked it, though; it shows that he has a heart after all.

the generals bit was somehow funny too (maybe it's just me, though). it was heartwarming to read about how lavi, allen and kanda might act if they were generals.

i like this lots! :D
Miladys chapter 1 . 1/29/2010
love your story! I like the way you describe Kanda's journay and his stradavius is very suitable for him..

nice work :)
Rsier chapter 1 . 1/29/2010
Jesus Christ Ate Dei, you really love my little Baby Ross don'tcha?

Anyway, I like how you made Ross so believable even though he deviated from my original design. But seriously, osm story.

Caroling lawl ;D
ForeverFalling86 chapter 1 . 1/28/2010
I absolutely adored this story. It was wonderfully written, heart warming and just...great. Kanda mellowing was a nice touch, and I especially liked how you had him playing the violin. He just strikes me as the violin type you know? It was interesting to see the way that Ross' opinion of Kanda changed as time went on and how the layers seemed to peel away to reveal what he was really like; human. The ending was great, I thought it was the perfect way to cap off the entire thing. Great job and thanks for the wonderful read,
