Reviews for The new lost adventures, the new Organization
Omnitrix1 chapter 3 . 4/9/2010
Uh-oh. That doesn't look good. I knew Xemnas was mad, but I didn't think he was crazy enough to kidnap people. Well then again... Never mind. So now I'm a Nobody. This should be good, also, it was awesome that I came in as Alien X. But hopefully Thomas and Tonto can stop the Neo Organization, and thank God this got updated.


I am the most powerful being in the universe

I have one million nine hundred three aliens on my Ultamatrix

I have a stupid assistant named Tonto whose Ultamatrix sucks

It has one million nine hundred two aliens on it!

(Also, KryspaceT I just changed the catchphrase in celebration of the new Ben 10 show, Ben 10 Ultimate Alien. For this story, me and Tonto still have Omnitrixs)
Omnitrix1 chapter 2 . 2/26/2010
HEY! Where's my first review. The one I originally posted for this story. Oh well, I'll just put this one up. So Xormts Lexa appeared. It's actually strange. Alex doesn't have any powers, but now he can control luck. Lucky him. No pun intended. The powers actually fit him. After all, he has battled some strange foes, and he has always come out of it alive. Yeah, that's luck.


I am the most powerful being in the universe

I have one million nine hundred three aliens on my Omnitrix

I have a stupid assistant named Tonto whose Omnitrix sucks

It has one million nine hundred two aliens on it!