Reviews for Confessions On A Bathroom Stall
WarriorQueen124 chapter 3 . 6/23/2013
I love this story! I read it all yesterday, and I couldn't put my phone down.
Sakura a soccer star, huh? I like playing sports, but I'm kind of shy to I don't. However, I love this Sakuraaa! And Karin, lol.
I wonder when Ino and Sakura will meet and realize that they are talking to eachother. And Naruto and Ami? Oh my god.

Great job and keep writing!
-can't wait for the next update! :)
LiteratureEnthusiast chapter 3 . 12/6/2012
WOW! I really like this, its so down to earth and straight to the point. I like your concept on social monopoly and how it not only applies to high school but life as well. Keep up the excellent work, I look forward to reading more!
straw8erries chapter 3 . 7/29/2012
asdfghjkl this is interesting.
and i really lovelovelove ino
in this.
E d e n chapter 3 . 6/2/2012
Holy. Fck.


(And all things Jesus.)

I cannot tell you just /how many/ Naruto - high school stories I have went through.

But I can /easily/ count on one hand of how many Naruto-verse High-school fictions that I've -actually- enjoyed.

And your story. Has made it on that hand.

(Gods. That sounded so raunchy.)

Sure you're including the classic cliques - but that's half of what makes high school... well, high school, no?

But the thing is, you're doing it in a more subtle and sophisticated way. You're not going around spouting biblical lectures about Preps, Goths, etcetc & who's better and whatnot - this- this beast here goes way beyond that.

You're actually touching on -social- issues, and very realistic ones - unfortunately at that. This is not just some Naruto fic., this is a freakin' social critique - something that LITERATURE does. Yet at the same time you don't lose sight of the entertainment- ('cause really, I saw that fan-service you gave us there with Sasuke soccer, you sneaky-sneak.)

I won't even bother mentioning how you kept everyone in character and so forth b/c you've managed these guys so effortlessly that you can fool anyone into believing you're Kishimoto's brain-baby.

I just- MAN, I don't even know where to start (or stop). The dramatic irony of the two social circles intertwining (cough-cough- Ino & Sakura) without them even knowing it, yet it's a fine demonstration that their being is -more- than just their social status. We're humans first and foremost; how we act in front of society can only come in second to that when you get down&dirty with the mud of things. And I fkn' love you for leaving that msg & it's a shame that half of this story's readers probably hadn't even understood what you're trying to get at.

Ignorance surely is bliss, but whoever made that quote forgot to add that it's a curse as well.

And Ino's last bathroom addition at the end there? PER-fecto. Just perfect. If you can ever catch a break from Life & come back to this story, I would love to chat with you about society & its quirks over some imaginary tea & scones.
sasusakufan2357 chapter 3 . 5/26/2011
I love this story! And Sasuke playing soccer shirtless /drools i really hope you update soon:( it's been a year! Keep up the great work~ I can't wait to see some SasuSaku action ;)
cherryjubilee chapter 3 . 5/15/2011
really good high school interpretation of naruto. i don't normally read these - the cliches are tiresome - but you rock
anticollision chapter 1 . 5/1/2011
oohhh, i'm liking this. and you're a great writer!

on to the next chapter. c;
natsuxD chapter 3 . 3/8/2011
Please review! Can't wait for what you have in stall next
silverymoonfire chapter 3 . 3/2/2011
great story, cant wait to see what happens with sasuke and sakura and also when she meets ino.

updtate soon
nejiwedgie chapter 3 . 2/5/2011
dude, fucking epic.
xXSnowAngelPainterXx chapter 3 . 1/10/2011
wow, this is actually like high school! lolol, ur good, nice with the soccer thing! update plz! xoxo sasusaku 4eva!
Lessthanthree-Carissa chapter 3 . 1/9/2011
This is an interesting story so far. I'm guessing you play soccer, since that is the chosen sport. I am enjoying the whole bathroom part of it, where they write on the wall back and forth to each other. Good job and you have a very nice rhythm to your story.
Mewdu chapter 1 . 12/20/2010
"Apparently, Killer Bee asked her to be the leading lady in his music video, but then they turned her away because she was too pretty and she was overshadowing him."

:) You just made my day.
souhoku chapter 3 . 9/13/2010
Now this was really awesome. Seriously, I haven't come across a good fic in ages so I was pretty happy reading this. :)

Hope you update soon.
the sky's bouquet chapter 3 . 9/8/2010
I love Ino. Seriously. She's amazing in this. And so is Sakura. And Hina-chan.

Can I ask if TenTen will make an appearance?

The graffiti on the stalls are...bitter, and realistic. Ino's last entry made me stop and think. It's so stupid sometimes...Really.
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