Reviews for Coasting
YouJustWatch chapter 6 . 3/11/2015
What a really sweet story - hopefully you deside to continue it :)
SoraxRiku lover chapter 6 . 4/28/2013
I love the story so far, but do you think you could have like Sora and Axel have an arguement and Riku is there to comfort him. Then Riku leans in and kisses Sora... Just suggesting
breaking6883 chapter 6 . 4/25/2013
A www this is so cute, why isn't there an update?
Tainted Darkness616 chapter 6 . 4/21/2013
Please continue this! ill take you on that date lol although Im gay so... i funny but lease continue!
dearlybelovedangel chapter 6 . 10/5/2011
Oh my gosh, Sora is utter perfection in this. I think he's one of my favorite Soras in this story. He's just so UGH, I WANT TO KEEP HIM. I can't believe he didn't even hate Riku just a little bit.

And it's really sad that he thinks so little of himself. Like how he thought Riku wasn't going to his game or when he asked Riku if he remembered him. I think that adds to how modest he is as a person.

Also I was so sad when it said he failed English. That was the most biased thing I have ever heard. Failing a bright kid just because everyone hated him and it was all for a lousy reason anyway. Oh yeah, let's hate on the orphan poor kid. Those were some messed up people.

I'm kind of interested to know what role Roxas plays in this story, which I'm hoping you'll still update because it's great so far, but I also kind of don't want to because I know that since this is a Sora/Riku fanfic, that Axel and Sora would have to break up sometime and I really hope the reason for it would be Axel cheating on Sora with Roxas. Cause that's what mostly happens :(

The glowstick part made me smile like crazy. I swear my face hurt after that chapter.
meluvsailormoon chapter 6 . 9/21/2010
wow, i just came across this story and i love it...the idea alone was write very well...looking forward to an update XD

xxPLUR chapter 6 . 8/9/2010
update? im starting to believe you vanished off the face of the earth! hope all is well and that you update your stories soon because im dying to find out whats going to happen!
silly prolonged entrance exam chapter 6 . 5/24/2010
Wooh! remembered and found it. Score.
FreakyBlaze chapter 6 . 5/2/2010
Hello This is a really nice story you've got going on here. You portray Riku and Sora wonderfully, and the story evolves at a lovely not-to-fast-not-to-slow pace, which really makes it enjoyable to read :3 I'm also quite fond of the way you show Riku's feelings towards Sora. All in all, I'm looking forward to seeing where you'll take us from here, and hoping that you'll post the next chapter soon
Zero and Ezio chapter 6 . 4/30/2010
Aww... Don't let it end here! come on... Q_Q
Russian Prince Kai Hiwatari chapter 6 . 3/26/2010
That's soo cute! Sounds like so much fun! I'd love to have a date like that! Just... not really doing anything in particular but running around. Great chapter. I feel bad for Riku though... it must hurt.
Crown of Venus chapter 6 . 3/23/2010
This is a wonderfuly crafted story that you have written here my friend. Unlike a lot of other KH fictions placed in a modern setting, yours seems incredibly refreshing, well thought out, and actually gives off the impression that you take your literary work very seriously and intend to provide your readers with only the greatest quality that your gifted imagination can present us with.

I am incredibly impressed with the character progression that you have made with Riku. His journey (although still in the beginning stages), to me, appears tastefully planned (i.e. neither rushed nor agonizingly drawn out). There's just something about the way that you molded and shaped his character that seems just so realistic and surprisingly personal. A lot of the other stories that I have read out there which also portray Riku's ever-growing affection for Sora (or vice versa) tend to either overshoot the "dramatic angle" of their obsessions to the point of suicidal angst or hastily integrate as many poorly planned and unnecessary jokes or situations into the plot intended to momentarily deviate from the depressing overtones with hideously timed comic relief. On top of that, their characterizations are sterotypical to the point of sheer annoyance.

So reading your story, which illustrates Riku as a maturing former bully with a strong resolve to redeem himself within the eyes of his former victim-turned-object of immeasurable desire; and Sora as the ugly duckling-turned-swan with a heart of gold had, in a way, rekindled my love for a cherished KH pairing that had long since grown sour due to the dilution of its appeal resulted from the seemingly endless array of literary abortions made by wave-after-wave of embarassingly shit-tastic "authors." While this story theme may not be "original" in the traditional sense, the creative direction that you nurtured into it is what makes it original.

I eagerly await your next chapter.
unheardcries chapter 6 . 3/21/2010
This is such a cute story. Please update ASAP, cause I just keep thinking about it and all its cute glory. )
You're beautiful chapter 6 . 3/21/2010
Aww... That's really lovely. It's fantastic to find someone with whom you can just speak about anything and nothing, these little, insignificant things that become actually quite significant in getting to know someone.

Can't wait to read more. C;
iamyourgrocerybag chapter 6 . 3/20/2010

It's so cute! It was the perfect way to move on with the story! So sweet!
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