Reviews for Joe Lucas's Handy Dandy Guide to Getting the Girl
SorrisoD'amore chapter 1 . 7/22/2010
that was really cute please contiue to write in the future!
From the End of Heaven chapter 1 . 5/29/2010
Sometimes I forget how much Jacy makes me smile.

This made me smile laugh and giggle. Good good stuff!
LaPaige chapter 1 . 2/15/2010
I love this :D

Your Joe My favourite Joe.

Honestly, he makes me laugh so much. Especially the part about Andy burning down McDonalds. Poor Andy. Stealing Gloria the Hippo was the last straw! I feel for you, bro.

But anyway, this was perfect. :)
silvereyed angel chapter 1 . 2/8/2010
sigh.. -stares at Joe: the incredibly funny, dorky douche-bag of a lovable woo-

I love the way you write his thoughts.. I think that if he ever read this he would be like: 'this is so cool! NICK! come here! someone wrote a story about me and it's incredibly wicked!' or something in that generall direction.. But yeah, that IS why we love him..

and even though he's awesome in spanish, english gramm and sort-of-french, he needs to get his math straight.. by my cound, there were only four steps.. (I totally pown him at latin, btw) (as I do in french, Français c'est la langue romantique, mais je ne comprends pas son blah blah?)

this made me giggle :) like, really loudly and my mom is staring really weirdly at me now, but I do not care because this was awesome.

Gloria and McDonalds totally pown naruto, though I heard Joe doesn't like McDonalds.. O.o

but I do like your story and this review is WAY long.. :S

ah well, loved it!

Sweetgalsab chapter 1 . 2/8/2010

So, I am currently being screwed by several people for my constant "AW"ings. LOOL!

This is so sweet!

AW! I loved it! McDonalds! GO JOE!

ride2night chapter 1 . 2/7/2010
I just LOVE how you write Joe and his wonderfully dorky mind_

I hate Naruto so a Gloria the Hippo toy is totally worth stealing!;D hehe.

That was so adorable and funny:]

