Reviews for Porsche Hauptman Series: Moon Bitten
sandy chapter 18 . 8/15/2013
This story hung together well. I couldn't always tell if the human or the wolf was talking. Thanks for a nice read.
KatKnighten chapter 30 . 2/15/2012
what can i say other than? this is the most awesomemest thing i have ever read!
IrunwithWeres chapter 21 . 3/29/2011
i was listening to the perfect song for this chapeter. To porsche from Ben. It kind of puts into words how I think he felt I'd come for you by nickelback.
IrunwithWeres chapter 1 . 3/21/2011
i loved this story. i loved it that ben finally got a mate. he is one of my favorite wolves. before i started reading tis i was telling my friend that patricia briggs should mate ben with someone like mercy. it's like you read my mind.
SheWhoRunsWithWolves chapter 23 . 8/29/2010
I didnt think the sex scene was bad at all. I think it flowed with the story and was very believable. the whole chapter was great, really.

I also quite enjoyed the, "That's how it works in this family! You have sex, you open the bond, you pass out, you screw everything up! It happens every time!"

Hahaha, that was great! I laughed so hard.
Adoration of an Enigma chapter 31 . 8/26/2010
OMG! I can't wait to read the next story and I can't believe this story ended! I finished it in TWO DAYS! It was that good :3 I absolutely loved it! My moms getting annoyed because I talk about it so much :D


khetyan chapter 30 . 8/15/2010

It's really good to read and I like the way you have wrote Porsche and Ben together.

Keep up the good work.
EdwardCullen'sButterfly24 chapter 33 . 8/6/2010
so r u going 2 write a sequal or no? cause if u do i would sooo read it!
KatrinaMae chapter 31 . 8/4/2010
Gosh I already love it! You must put the rest up fast!
XxxxxIceQueenxxxxX chapter 31 . 8/3/2010
poor porsche.
Sedanur chapter 30 . 8/2/2010
That was so lovely... Thank you for this beautiful story.
XxxxxIceQueenxxxxX chapter 30 . 8/2/2010
That was so cute :)
XxxxxIceQueenxxxxX chapter 29 . 8/1/2010
bens so stubborn. lol. um, i just tried to check out ure site but google claims it doesnt exist:p did u type it wrong?
XxxxxIceQueenxxxxX chapter 28 . 7/31/2010
MACMONKEY chapter 27 . 7/31/2010
ur story great n i cant wait for the next chapter :)
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