Reviews for Bangkok
CaileyLover chapter 6 . 7/6/2010
Please update this! This is an amazing story one of my favs!
Kolo14 chapter 5 . 3/22/2010
forgot to surscribe sorry. favourited btw!
Kolo14 chapter 6 . 3/22/2010
amazing story! i love it !
tiger002 chapter 6 . 3/21/2010
I have to cringe with the pain Bradley was in, but he deserved it. Maybe have her toss him out the window next. The dream at the begining was good, and I wonder if it meant something more. The twins are still alive, so hopefully that means they will get better. Good chapter and I look forward to more.
Man of Faith chapter 6 . 3/21/2010
GO CAREY! Mom's come to protect her baby and her baby's loved! The slip by Moseby is definitely something he would have accidently about foot in the mouth moment. It seems like Zack is going to have to deal with the emotional truama of the accident, even though he didnt cause it. I hope Bradley gets more than what he deserves and Bailey divorces him like crazy.
Fear My Awesomeness chapter 6 . 3/21/2010
Holy crap I loved this chapter :D

Can't wait for the next one :3
ReneyyySprouse chapter 5 . 3/11/2010
Aw, come on man, you can't end a chapter like that :( I hope Zack will be ok... By the way, a doctor named 'Newcomer' isn't very reassuring, lol. Awesome chapter, update again soon! x.
tiger002 chapter 5 . 3/10/2010
You can't kill Zack like that...can you? Good job with Cody's amnesia and getting into his mind here. Things seem right at least to him, but he's forgetting things. I hope he gets better soon, good job and update soon!
Man of Faith chapter 5 . 3/10/2010
Well I got the Bailey next to Cody's hospital bed scene I was asking about (LOL!) Hope Zack makes it out, but from what you've alluded, it seems like he'll be fine. Bradley is jealous and pissed off probably now, oh this will be good! Keep this up, it's getting good.
Man of Faith chapter 4 . 2/25/2010
Loved the story so far and they are unconcious huh? Why do I see a big hospital scene with Bailey sitting next to Cody's bed coming up soon? Keep updating asap.
tiger002 chapter 4 . 2/25/2010
Uh-oh... them being unconscious isn't a good thing. I really liked the chapter and the brotherly arguing was good. I'm not surprised Zack decided to use Cody's ipod to watch movies. The ending setense could have been better. Normally you don't want to talk to readers directly. The author should be invisible, telling the story while making the reader forget they are there.

Anyway, great story, and I'm curious to see where this will go.
ReneyyySprouse chapter 3 . 2/16/2010
Whoa, that was just a big slap in the face for Cody :( It so sad that he and Bailey haven't been able to move on from their feelings for each other, hopefully they'll get to see each other again in the next chapter.. update again soon! x.
tiger002 chapter 3 . 2/16/2010
This is interesting... So Bailey is married, but still seems to be in love with Cody, and he feels the same way. Good job with that. Also, Zack is still typical Zack, hitting on random people and walking into polls... The part with paying for a third of the house didn't make much sense though, you'd need more than a wallet to buy a house...
ReneyyySprouse chapter 2 . 2/15/2010
Man, just as I was about to demand you drop Bailey back into the midst of things somehow, there she is lol! Way to leave us hanging off a major cliff. This chapter was great. Typical Zack with the whole toothbrush thing, I suppose some people never really grow up :) Update again soon, I can't wait to see Bailey's reaction. x.
femmebelle chapter 2 . 2/14/2010
Sorry for my misspelling of last review and maybe this one. I get to carried away to writing things how I think they are written by accident that I dont notice. Thank God for spell checking in Microsoft Word. Any ways... I liked this chapter also. It was funny how Zack would be carrying a toothbrush in a bottle, but that is so him to do those kind of things. Except for carrying something for hygiene?...

I like how you added wee bit more detail thatn before. And I can't wait for the next chap!

Happy Valentine's Day! 3 3
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