Reviews for Your Eyes
bleachfreak13 chapter 1 . 4/6/2016
I love you for writing this. Innocent AJ is adorable! Amazing story I really dig the pairing.
Ambrosealley88 chapter 1 . 2/15/2010
This was really good. I've never thought about AJ/Shawn before, but now I want to see more of it.
NeroAnne chapter 1 . 2/14/2010
You have the oddest way with new couples!

LOL Chris's attempt at a joke! XD! How sad!

I found myself enjoying that immensely! XD! I actually thought about these two...but you made it SO much better than I ever thought!

I love how he was so confused about it! AJ is such a cutie! And that damn waitress...CLEAVAGE AIN'T GOT FUCKING NOTHING ON SHAWN'S BLUE EYES, BITCH! XD!

ooh..and AJ goes all brave and walks over, XD!

LOOKIT Shawn! XD! He's like..."Oh yeah. I did it." XD!

X3! Shawnie wants to bone AJ! XD!

0_0 Roses. XD!


*sighs* That was just so cute.

...Will there be more?

I dunno why I like your weird ass couple fics so much...but I wanna see who ELSE you happen to stick Shawn with, XD!
slashburd chapter 1 . 2/14/2010
I don't know why you ever worried about this - I think it was brilliant. The tension in it almost stopped me breathing from when Shawn sent AJ the drink!

I loved the touch with the pink roses although I did have a little smirk at rasslin' cowboy Shawn Michaels having the florist all but on speed dial!

Anyway, a really great read and its almost a shame its only a OST. Is there any amount of eyelid batting that could make some more of these two appear in the future :D
DrakarysxUnbroken chapter 1 . 2/13/2010
Damn my computer. It erased my really long ass random review. UGH! Let me try this again...

2 things:

1 - I fkn love you my sweet Sera!

2 - It was not my fault. It was actually Piper, Ric, and Hogan's faults. Ric for being a hoe. Piper for...well being Piper and Hogan for being bald.

HH: I resent that statement.

Joe and Chris were cracking me up. WTF was up with that joke? I loled. xD Cranberry juice? *shakes head* We shall def get him trained.

Shawn was great as was AJ trying to stand up for himself. However I cant help but think he still tragically failed part oone since he allowed that wabbit to get him on the bed without so much as a struggle.

Great job with the angst. My heart hurt after that ending. What a way to come home after a long, tragic day at work. Wonderful job hun!

wrestlefan4 chapter 1 . 2/13/2010
OH WOW! Sera! I loved this :) I think this is one of the best things you've written. I am dead serious. It was so, so good. I LOVED how easily you captured the friendship of AJ, Joe, and Chris man, that was right on the money and that's not easy to do. You got that vibe perfectly, of how they just mesh together, and that friendship where it seems like they've just known each other and been part of the same group forever.

The best thing ever...EVER...was the end. I'm pretty sure you did this on purpose-Ric being on the phone.

I hope I'm right :)

AJ reminded Shawn of Ric. That's why Shawn felt the connection, that's why Shawn thought he'd know AJ before. Ah! Did I mention this was REALLY good! This comes from the person who doesn't read TNA fics. *loves on you*

A times a million! You made me so happy with this :)

Great great job!
Esha Napoleon chapter 1 . 2/13/2010
This is, wow, what a OST! Damn you're good!