Reviews for Cloudy Days
theGirlwithtoooomanyOTPs chapter 6 . 9/3/2015
I never pegged Shika as the type to go for suicide. But maybe being a genius and all... I wouldn't know, I guess, since I'm not a genius. :) Love the story so far :)
scarlet letters in the snow chapter 8 . 12/7/2012
I really enjoyed reading this. Well done :).
GuardianHinata chapter 8 . 7/9/2011
ok let me first say that i dont read a lot of shikamaru stuff but this was really enjoyable. i think it was also more dramatic than the other stories like the characters pushed each other away more and even up until the last chapter i wasnt sure if they were going to make it, it was so suspenseful! the more i read these stories the more im loving your placement of the naruto people. like you didnt just put people there just for the sake of putting someone there. i thought that each person would actually do that if they lived in the universe. this one is a real knock out, i cant wait to read windy days )

PS in chapter 5 who was kakashi waiting for in the restaurant? i personally think its anko but thats just me xD lol
halehart chapter 8 . 5/1/2011
Its so perfect. _

this fic is so hypnotizing.
candykiwis chapter 8 . 12/28/2010
wow, just wow. your storytelling is amazing :) everything about this is..perfect, i love the setting and all. usually i don't like going AU, but your 'days' series are absolutely amazing and...i really can't think of a better way to put this.

keep writing, love you :)

KukiRew chapter 8 . 5/25/2010
Whaaa! The ending leaves me with bitter-sweet emotions.

I'm happy that it ended just as I wanted it to, but sad because the story is over.

I love the last line,"And for once, Ino didn't care who did the flowers, just as long as the wedding was on a Nara, Kansai cloudy day."

And, will be waiting for fourth installment with bated breath. Keep it coming! 8D
elviella chapter 8 . 5/20/2010
I can't believe I didn't review chapter 6 & 7 on time! I had been neglecting the fanfics I follow due to an exam, so I kinda missed those two. Anyway! I'll just review all 3 last chapters here. Or something. :)

I really loved the ending! The last chapter was, in my opinion, one of the best chapters in the story, maybe even the best. Very well written, and it could totally create the atmosphere in my head. Aaand, of course, I was glad it was a happy ending. It was very sweet! :) Very, very nice, and very suiting. At last, they talked! (their dialogue was very well-written, I might add - I really enjoyed it) I loved Shikamaru's parents appearing, too. :3

As for the other two chapters - you set up for the drama pretty well, and I really liked that it was shown how much Kiba and Hinata care for their friends. I especially liked Kiba a lot there - he said some very nice things.

Great work with this fic, I'm glad I followed it from the beginning! Can't wait for "Windy Days". Hmm, I do have some ideas about what the couple could be...
anonymous chapter 8 . 5/20/2010
good job! absolutely loved it!
PrettyAmethystPrincess chapter 8 . 5/20/2010
Awesome chapter! I really liked the ending! :3 And I have no idea what the couple for "Windy Days" is going to be, so i guess I'll just have to wait and see! x3
Kigaroo chapter 8 . 5/19/2010
You NEED to have a sequel to this! I don't think I'll live if you don't ;D
MariaSabaku chapter 8 . 5/19/2010
Kawaii! That was so sweet!

Who was the woman that Kakashi was talking about?

Is there gonna be a chapter for the wedding? many questions! I really liked it though. :]
DAngel7 chapter 8 . 5/19/2010
I cant believe this is the end. Im both happy and sad. Of course again the girl should go after the boy because he dont have the guts to do it but I guess this is and exception - she rejected him too many times. Im happy with the end. So sweet. I cant wait to read our other story. I have absolutely no idea about the pairing. Surprise me (that is for sure)! ]
PrettyAmethystPrincess chapter 7 . 5/11/2010
I loved this chapter! It was sad, but I really liked it! I can't wait for the next one! I'm dieing to know what happens next!
DAngel7 chapter 7 . 5/11/2010
I love this chapter. I like your message. It was really emotional but it made me think. Im glad that Kiba tried to knock some sense into Shika - I think that sometimes people from outside see things more clearly and objective because there are not clouded by emotions (rejection, despair,..ecc.). Im both happy and sad that next chapter will be the last (if I get it right). I want to see them finally together - the light in the end but Im sad that this is the end. I hope youll update son! Let see what Shika or Ino would do.. ]
KukiRew chapter 7 . 5/11/2010
Whee! Go Shika, go Ino.

I think you've portrayed "letting go" pretty well.

Even if they're both just fooling themselves, still I know... I believe that they will still be happy in the end. Go, go! Keep it up. _
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