Reviews for Normalcy
justwildbeat-rhythmemotion chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
Thanks so much for writing this. Ooh... This is wonderfully written!
Flo chapter 1 . 6/5/2013
I wish you would continue this story. It is an interesting setting and I have yet to read a story in a university setting with the great characterization of Relena and Heero. I like how both are secretly jealous of the other sex, but can ignore it. It would have made a good subplot to explore. Thank you for writing this :-)
Shadowfox13 chapter 1 . 3/26/2010
Lovely Piece. I'd be interested in seeing the story. I do think that Relena wouldn't ask Heero to do something she herself was not willing to do...however, that's just what I believe. :) If you do ever put up the story, I'll be waiting to read :)
wk chapter 1 . 3/7/2010
Starts good, sounds good. More chapts too please! And yes plz finish job interview soon too!
Caitlynn chapter 1 . 2/18/2010
It's too bad you decided to drop this one, it started out really well. While it may be a bit unrealistic as you say I truly do like this one. It's not often that a writer pulls off the school idea to a satisfactory level. I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.
IchikoKitsuneKoumori chapter 1 . 2/15/2010
though she did not, she was there. Witnessing things she shouldn't of had to.
Hououza chapter 1 . 2/14/2010
I have to admit this was quite different from what I expected on reading the breif notes and introduction.

What startewd out as a little introspective pieve, exploring the dynamics of their relationship, specifically their mutual affection towards one another, and the difficulties of overcoming the differences in their backgrounds it shifted to something different, an exploration of the ideas of friendship, and the kind of comfortable rythms of two people lviing together.

But the end I admit is what surprised me, the sudden dark shft to the story. The fact that they began to explose the idea of death, of both natural and unnatural forms was almost out of place at first. And yet when I reflect on it, those are concerns of real life, of sickness rather than assasination. I can admit that perhaps that is why it is so troublesome, the shift in mindset from thinking about very big things that effect so many other people to moving to thinking about your own life and family, some Heero never had.

Thank you, this was an interesting read and commentary.

Good luck & best wishes,
