Reviews for Eternity
TURBOPHOENIX0106 chapter 19 . 8/20
Please continue
I really love your story
adcen chapter 19 . 4/14
Hey dude

Como você está? Espero que esteja bem :)
Não acredito que encontrei uma obra prima no Fanfiction e ela não está completa... Esse é o verdadeiro sinonimo de degustação? (risos)

Tenho esperanças que voce volte em algum momento para nos agraciar com um final digno da sua obra, muito obrigada por ter concedido a honra de conhecer a sua mente criativa. Por favor, não desista. Sempre tem conserto.

Um grande e caloroso abraço e toda a sorte do mundo,

adcen from Brazil april 2020

ps: escreva-me se sentir no seu coração :)
Soniko chapter 19 . 4/6
Wow, this story is awesome.
The fact that the 3 vampires turned out to be the Denali sisters instead of the nomad vampires really threw me off, so good job! I love a good plot twist, which you obviously excel at.
riskeybusiness chapter 19 . 2/4
Love it!
chloe1011997 chapter 19 . 8/9/2019
I really hope you continue this story one day. Even if it has been years :-) its brilliant btw. Much love!
Tony McNucklz chapter 19 . 7/2/2019
bit of a rocky start, but it evened out and i raced to the end of what you have so far. i hope you continue this some day.
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 2 . 6/10/2019
Again, why she care about red eyes when she can cover it like her lack of heart beat and such?
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 1 . 6/10/2019
Big problem is why does she care about red eyes when she can cover it with illusions? She can make it appear she has a heart beat, blushes and other such things but couldnt cover red eyes? Makes no god damn sense.
TTshorty33 chapter 6 . 3/31/2019
so so good
EmJ chapter 1 . 2/2/2019
This literally could have been the BEST Bellice/Twilight story and you quit it. A decade later and I'm still salty. Gurl!
Kurojistou chapter 19 . 11/17/2018
I love this story and I’m so grateful I decided to reread it..only to be pleasantly surprised that it has long since been updated! Well done
CandyDee chapter 19 . 10/6/2018
pls update more! cant wait to read next chapter...
Coures chapter 8 . 5/18/2018
Pfft, above feeding on humans. Like feeding on deer with exponentially lower population than the 7 billion humans on earth is any better. You are above human, you don't need to pretend. If you were going to wax lyrical, Alice, maybe you should try pig farms instead of nature preserves. Much better if your bear killing brother gets involved with the pig farm too. There's enough poachers in this world already.
JenDamn chapter 16 . 4/16/2018
I really liked this chapter. I'm liking this whole story in general, but yeah, this chapter specifically.
vivafidel chapter 7 . 2/20/2018
Story description says she's ancient and now she's suddenly 100 years old in this chapter. The scene about not knowing what a movie is was horrible, there's no way one wouldn't know. It's "per se", not "per say" and Cullens, not Cullen's when referring to them as a group. Other than that, it's a pretty good story. I also realize that it's been 7-8 years since you wrote this and you probably know all this now and don't even visit this website to read the reviews. The flaws are frustrating and I just had to get it off my chest. Interesting story nonetheless, I'll keep reading for a while to see where it goes.
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