Reviews for A Stiff Breeze
Deleted Account 23456765432 chapter 1 . 5/11/2015
Wow, cute shipping idea...
Trigzl chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
Great little story. I love Yukimi and Yoite's relationship and this portrayed that very well. :)
Eveningnight chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
i liked this very much

Nice one!

Will you be making more of these?

Aww Yukimi and Yoite...
Steve the Purple Dinosaur chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
Nice. Just plain epic-ness. It was really good. Imagery intensified the simplistic one shot. So realistic. So amazing. So Yoite. Please consider doing another one :D
Eleanor Kaylock chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
I love you!

Just kidding, kinda. Anyways, I seriously love you for writing this fic. I love the way you discbribed Yoites senses growing weaker, letting his personality come through. I also love the way you wrote about Yukimi.

And also love you for the fact that you wrote the part of Yoite's senses growing weak in a way that actually made me cry. And I didn't cry for Yoite, even if that sounds cold of me. In fact, I cried for another person much like him. I like to call him Reaper since his first name if Grim, and he is slowly losing his eyesight. At first he was simply stuck with a partly-blind and very scay looking left eye but then it got wrose. And worse, and worse.

And the most scaring thing is probably how fast the sickness is moving along. And soon he won't be able to see anything anymore. And I'm very sad about that, not only because he's been (and still is) my boyfriend for a very long time and a friend for even longer. No, I'm aslo sad because of the fact that he is still to young.

Oh, it seems that I am still crying as I'm writing this review. So I guess I'll end this and go get myself a tissue or something. I'm sorry for bothering you and anyone actually bothering to read this review with my stupid personal problems and for all the spelling or grammar mistakes of which I have done in this review,English isn't my strong side '

So, bye! And thank you for the fic!
Pepper Dine chapter 1 . 5/10/2010
it was short, but i liked it
Aquen chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
I must say... I really enjoyed this!

One of my favorite relationships in Nabari No Ou is between Yukimi and Yoite, and you wrote both characters very nicely in character, good job!

I especially liked how you portrayed Yoite's senses growing weaker, very nice work!

This is quite a gem of a work :)
Roseille chapter 1 . 3/10/2010
So. I haven't reviewed anything in ages - haven't read anything in ages, but I finally decided to dig myself out of the pit that is college and start reading. I was lucky enough to stumble upon this lovely piece first. I adore your use of language. Every word is used to the fullest extent. Yoite's personality seeps from your vivid language; the way you wrote this is just stunning.

And Yukimi. You portrayed him so very, very well. I love your comments about his terms of "endearment". I've always thought the same way. Oh, Yukimi.

Anyway, as you may be able to tell by this pale review that by no means does your story even an ounce of the justice it deserves, I've lost my reviewing skills. I apologize, but I had to leave a comment on this. Keep up the stunning work, and WRITE ON.
qrstuvw chapter 1 . 2/17/2010
Is the fact that this story brought tears to my eyes, strange?

Damn, you write one hell of a fic.

I enjoyed this a lot - being able to get sucked right in tends to make me do that.

You portrayed Yoite well. Gave a good description of what he was feeling - and most importantly; you made me experience what it was that was happening.

I could totally imagine it. Like I was there. Like I was him.

For that, I thank you.

I hope you'll keep writing.

You do one hell of a job at it.
