Reviews for Karma
Butterfree chapter 1 . 7/29/2012
I'd have to agree that those who designed the track could've atoned more in the face of the media, though I don't think that's a good reason to blame a whole country. I really liked your story but respectfully diagree with it. If that's okay.

Thanks for the read! CupidKirby
All Kinds of Awsome chapter 1 . 8/1/2010
No one of course likes seeing their country portrayed in a negative light, but I do like the way this was written, and the message you conveyed.

I think I found the biggest issue was that there was this huge mantra of: "But our athletes have been fine. They practice on this course." It was played and re-played on the media by every broadcaster.

"We're fine; so the issue has to be them," sort of became the perspective.

And while this fic does make me very uncomfortable, I really do like it. Very good job.
organicdvr chapter 1 . 3/4/2010
Interesting story. You have a strong voice within it.

While I do agree that the engineers of the track and the IOC should have looked at safety more, considering that it had recorded too fast speeds and athletes were even apprehensive about the course, Canada is not only the one to blame (though they certainly could have done more in regards to make the course safer. I am disappointed in my country for failing to recognize the dangers with so many crashes).

Media can, and has a tendency to, focus on one fact. The investigation done into the luger's death that said it was human error was not VANOC, but instead the International Luge Federation. I just wanted to clear that up.
empty acct chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
This is a take on Canada I haven't seen before, and definitely something that needed to be said. No matter if the athlete or his environment were at fault, I feel like playing the blame game isn't acceptable in the face of this kind of tragedy.

(there's my own pretentious little rant on the subject, and, all politics aside, this story IS worth reading.)
Lady Emzebel chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
Well, for the sake of Mattie, I'll pat him on the back in sympathy. For the sake of Canada, I'll frown and go look up more on this tragedy before I pass judgement.

I haven't actually been watching the Olympics (which is quite possibly appalling seeing as I live in Canada) but reading this piece has made me wish I had.

If what you say is true, I am appalled and I certainly don't condone what has happened.

On a slightly lighter note, this was excellent and very driven, emotionally. Kinda makes me want to smack Matthew and hug him at the same time.


The Sisters Williams chapter 1 . 2/17/2010
Very powerful story/rant. I think you do an accurate job representing the current situation here as it would be in the Hetalia Universe.

Though it hurts to read about poor Mattie being such a jerk, in some ways it is very true. Just so you know, here's at least one Canadian who doesn't agree with how it was handled.