Reviews for Cirque du Diable
Nightgirl405 chapter 1 . 11/29/2019
Hj, I love this fic! Please update soon!
DPN2012 chapter 9 . 2/16/2018
Thank you so much for uploading the story! :D I like were this going keep up the good work and please continue the story :)
Totalfangirl01 chapter 8 . 10/26/2014'll be surprised at how easy and fast Danny can get in trouble...
Totalfangirl01 chapter 7 . 10/26/2014
No Danny don't-!
Yeah, he's gonna do it...
Totalfangirl01 chapter 6 . 10/26/2014
I bet she's guiding him to the circus...
(Yay! DannyXEmber! :3)
ANNIE chapter 8 . 8/27/2014
Scheffinator chapter 8 . 8/21/2014
Continue soon please
Of Alphas and Airbenders chapter 8 . 3/1/2014
Ooooo, forshadowment!
DannyPhantom619 chapter 8 . 3/1/2014
Thank god for your story is just too awesome!(DxE)
Of Alphas and Airbenders chapter 7 . 1/28/2014
WHAT! Your ending the chapter there? Cure this cliff-hanger! Please update soon!
Rex Blackwood chapter 7 . 1/26/2014
Go team ember :)
DannyPhantom619 chapter 6 . 1/20/2014
Can't wait for the update and what days do u update this story I'm just wondering
DannyPhantom619 chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
Also screw what TooLazy2Login said, DxE is THR BEST COUPLE EVER! I agree with DanPhan1324 and let this be a DxE fanfic there's too many DxS fanfics and it's overused and boring
Seriously almost every fanfic I've read has the couple DxS in Danny and Ember go together like fire and ice (literally) plus Danny has his ghostly wail and Ember has her guitar with her power chords which are both sound wave attacks so yea they do belong 's like a Batman and Catwoman theme; Danny being Batman and Ember being Catwoman.
DannyPhantom619 chapter 7 . 1/19/2014
Well even though I'm a DxE fan it still sucks what's happening to Sam even though I don't really like her I hope she survives this
DanPhan1324 chapter 7 . 1/18/2014
No, no, no! Screw what the last reviewer said! DxE are the best pairing going! PLEEEEASE BE A DANNY X EMBER! :DDD

I couldn't handle it if it turned out to be a DxS! D:
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