Reviews for Sing For Absolution
Guest chapter 12 . 11/25/2015
Is it sad that I was hoping it was ron on the motorcycle? I just can't see your version of Harry with a motorcycle "sigh"
Guest chapter 5 . 11/25/2015
Not to excited hermione just magically noticed Harry and Draco were just friends, it made the whole thing seem so fake. Other than that I love it!
Amy Ehren chapter 12 . 12/30/2010
That song. My fucking anthem. I usually wait until the end of a complete story to review it, but THAT SONG. And the characters talk to me, too. Mostly it's like "You want me to do WHAT?" But they still talk to me.

Jesus that song is my absolute anthem. It has been for years. As a lesbian, I always fall in love with the wrong people, so it always seems to fit.

I also love the idea of Harry being in a band. This is a wonderful story!
shadowontherun chapter 14 . 7/12/2010
dun dun dun! :O
shadowontherun chapter 11 . 7/12/2010
wow...what a lot of would be's! :O lol I'm shocked XD
DerangedxandxSarcastic chapter 14 . 6/14/2010
You. Are. So. EVIL! How could you do that to me! I really really REALLY hope the sequel is already up and complete... This story was really very wonderful and I cannot wait to continue it. Brilliant job.
DerangedxandxSarcastic chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
OH my, very intense first chapter, I like the way you ended it as well.
buckykinz chapter 14 . 6/8/2010
I don't review stories very much, and this is one of the few reviews I've dished out for this fandom. I absolutely ADORED this. The slight AUness was subtle, but really went well with the whole thing, and I actually liked the Hermione/Draco pairing on the side. The interactions between Harry and Ron were heart-wrenching - oh, and did I mention the smut was hot? ;) Fabulous job, and I'll be reading the sequel!
Corpse In Bright Clothing chapter 14 . 5/3/2010
Whoa. Well. I didn't see this end coming. I'd expected as much as what happened in chapter thirteen, but not this. - I liked the bit between Harry and George. :P About telling Fred. And what's Fred's relationship with Pansy in this? If you said, I missed it.

Anyways. o-o. This was pretty good. :) I think I might check out the sequel.

- Squiddosaur
Corpse In Bright Clothing chapter 11 . 5/3/2010
Ah man, well. First of all, to the author's notes in the last chapter: I've had conversations with at least one fictional character in my head; :P I thought I'd tell you. Also, with them playing the song at the end of the last one, I knew what they'd be thinking. X3 I wasn't surprised when Draco and 'Mione came to them. Ah, I especially liked this chapter. ""Thank you for being with the git," Ron murmured." Haha! :3
Corpse In Bright Clothing chapter 9 . 5/3/2010
Sigh. Well. 8P.

This chapter had me really confused. Firstly because: they're at a bar, Justin falls into a window, no one else is drawn to their commotion, and once Harry and Ron start heating up Justin is completely forgotten. :P And secondly, because I missed the line saying Ron carried Harry to his room. xD

Rawr. Anyways. And sigh. Ron and Harry together, then. :P And at some points the language you used was surprising and a little off-putting; ex: "Ron found Harry's prostate once again, and a guttural moan ripped itself from Harry's small form." Ah well. 8P At least you can write well enough. :] And this has been a pretty good fic so far.
Corpse In Bright Clothing chapter 7 . 5/3/2010
Well, things became really interesting in these last few chapters! :P Things still don't look any better for the two of them. Obviously. Oh, and I'm guessing Fred is George's implied love-correct? And Hermione. Psh. If she'd figured out all that, you'd suppose she might have said something earlier.

&& Harry and George's relationship coming from both - wishing for a Weasley. That's interesting, and potentially incredibly depressing - especially in George's case. I'm not complaining, though. :]
Corpse In Bright Clothing chapter 4 . 5/3/2010
I don't think Harry's notion and want there are either foolish or pathetic. :P But the witches claiming to have slept with him-well, that's kind of sad. And the argument between Ron and Harry makes sense-that one might misunderstand the other, and it was just a little brilliant.
Corpse In Bright Clothing chapter 3 . 5/3/2010
Ahh. So Ron and Harry were with Hermione and Ginny respectively, and each broke up because Harry and Ron secretly like each other. Well. && Sing For Absolution plus a music video for it; interesting. :P Rawrawr, well again I like this well enough.
Corpse In Bright Clothing chapter 2 . 5/3/2010
Haha. Well, I'm completely confused by this. It obviously doesn't come directly after the first chapter, and I can't tell where they are in relation to each other. I'll guess the first is something that will happen later on. Also, I just can't see Draco and Hermione being together happily. 8P It doesn't work for me; but I'm not against it.

I'm liking this well enough so far. Harry and Ron both seem to want each other-and are they aware of each other's desire? && Time Is Running Out-I love that song! && -sigh- at the end of this chapter. :P
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