Reviews for Drugs and Love
Carlos chapter 1 . 10/3/2016
Screw you
KellyCatLover216 chapter 2 . 7/21/2011
I am really liking this so far, and I'm trying to figure out why the heck James would be so pissed... I get that hes shocked... but Idkk. and Carlos was funny when he was drunk, haha.(:
flintt chapter 2 . 9/12/2010
MORE! NOW! update or ill hurt Logan! MWAHAHAHAH!
AndysBatmanBadge chapter 2 . 8/20/2010
i do want more, r u continuing?
Aranelle Aredhel chapter 2 . 3/4/2010
I never would've guessed you're only thirteen based on your writing. It's excellent. You do have some issues with the flow of the plot, but again, aside from that you're a great writer. Keep going!

KatieRazzle chapter 1 . 2/21/2010
Aw shucks!

Thank you so much! I'm glad that I managed to inspire you!

I'm looking foward to this story so much!

Carlos is acting INSANE! (I love it)

(I'll admit that I stopped readin for a minute to imagine the boys all break dancing... Heehee)

And good ole' Logan, caring for his buddy. (I love that kid)

You described him oh so yummyly (I promise at least half of that is a word!)

Anyhoo, I can't wait to read more of this and find out where you plan on taking it!

ShatteredDiamonds chapter 1 . 2/20/2010

This certainly makes me feel better, lol. (It's one am and I'm up with the stomach flu or swine flu or whatever the hell my sister gave me today.)

If I end up in the ER or something, I'll keep this story on my mind to take the edge off. This is making things better.

Aw, I'm glad that my story inspired me to write your own. That's what I'm here for: your amusement. And, if I manage to do something productive, hell, then that's a plus.

(Secretly, if I was you, I'd make this a Kames instead of Kogan and add some Cargon (CarlosxLogan) in there. It's a lot better, haha. But it's your story, so do you what you want and I'll still read, I promise.)

Hmm, my first guess is probably that Carlos is on meth. Y'know, crank, tina, speed, ice, low speed chicken feed, the monster, whatever you wanna call it.

(And I know more about drugs than any sober fifteen year old girl should, I know. But what can I say? I'm freaking OBSESSED about learning about drugs, so this one right her' is going to be a challenge.)

But if he's on speed, then he's on some REALLY horrible shit. Gawd, here in Alabama, it freaking tears people up and destroys their life. This is one hardcore drug. Grabs it in your clutches and pretty much never lets go.

Well, I'm just kind of in pain and deranged, mumbling on so kind of ignore the randomness of this. But the story is good, ahh-mazing even and continue, I love this!

shattered diamonds.3