Reviews for Operation 'Woo Pasha'
Fox Loves Shinigami chapter 8 . 6/13/2013
Awesome fic, slightly disappointed that the countdown stopped at fifty some hours but the humor made up for it. Good work _ Ja.
The-light-in-the-attic chapter 8 . 4/27/2013
*flails* that was adorable, I enjoyed it very much.
finish-her chapter 8 . 11/21/2012
Aww, that was a great story! Sulu and Chekov are adorable together, and that subtle Spock/Kirk at the end was a very nice touch ;) I also love that both Sulu and Chekov had cute names for their plans :)
XxDrMcCoyxX chapter 8 . 10/18/2012
indieannelli chapter 8 . 7/14/2010
He he. It dawned on me about 2 'interruptions' in what was happening but I still really felt for poor Sulu. It's also nice to see Chekov being more plotting than I've seen in others' writing with this pairing. Would like to have perhaps seen some from Chekov's viewpoint especially the Spock bit but didn't really detract.
OlympicStorm chapter 8 . 6/13/2010
I just read the whole story! Cutest thing ever! You know, it kinda dawned on me that they were trying to make Sulu jealous and see that Pavel is right for him. But I was so scared that it wasn't going to work! And that Sulu was actually going to go nuts! But everything worked out and it was an adorable ending. Nicely done! And I loved the hint of Spirk at the end too. D
ShamelessSpocker chapter 8 . 5/25/2010
This was a way awesome story! I am just beginning my following of Chulu but I love it, and I love your story. Poor Hikaru! This was well played out and suspenseful, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks for another favorite to hold me over on my dark days!
bewareofbicycles chapter 5 . 4/11/2010
I really should be doing my english coursework but this is so good i can't stop reading! crazy Sulu makes me laugh...
MegKevin chapter 8 . 3/27/2010
OMG. A Taste Of Armageddon reference. I do believe I love you. Plus, this was so damn cute, I can't even tell. Chulu is awesomesauce. I really love the epilogue, with them all cracking jokes and nudging each other. Very well done indeed.

bookworm-4-ever2012 chapter 8 . 3/3/2010
Aw! This was a great addition :D And the Spirk? All over that! Spock's jokes are quite funny; I just didn't expect that outta the Vulcan bastard XD Thanks so much for taking the time to write this and I loved every minute of it :DD And seeing updates for . . . a number of consecutive days? Loved it! Can't wait to see what else you come up with!
bookworm-4-ever2012 chapter 7 . 3/2/2010
Aw! I had a feeling that that was what was going on, but I didn't want to say just in case I was wrong :D I don't like being wrong! Lol, I'm nuts today! Am I guessing that you'll be posting more soon? I certainly hope so And, if you didn't get this, great job
MsScarlettRice chapter 7 . 3/2/2010
gone5eva chapter 7 . 3/2/2010
AH FINALY! UGH I'M SO HAPPY! Congrats on finishing your story!
PhoenixDivine chapter 6 . 3/1/2010
*squeals like the crazy fangirl she is* THIS. IS. DELIGHTFUL. And the cliffhanger. Gawd.

Lol at Kirk btw. His little bit was *hilarious*. And I must admit that I lol'd at Spock's bit as well. How did he get talked into this, eh? You mynx, you. ;D
EvergreenLake chapter 6 . 3/1/2010
i love it! It's sexy, suspenseful, it's Checov and Sulu, and it's Checov and Sulu! and i love how you can tell Checov wants Sulu as well And i also love how the crew just wants to keep interrupting them so they add suspense and help tell each other that the other person wants them! I LOVE this please write the last one soon!
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