Reviews for Take the Ice
Guest chapter 32 . 7/22
Can’t wait for the next chapter!
Nymphacaeda chapter 1 . 7/21
When you realise this is four times as long as Twilight . . . oOF
savvygirl06 chapter 32 . 7/19
I have read this story over and over again and always get excited to see updates
ShadowKat14 chapter 32 . 7/16
Here I was having thoughts of hockeyward and skaterella and decided another reread was in order. And what do I see but new chapters?! Miss you are a gift that keeps giving. I accept wholeheartedly! These last updates were what I didn't know I needed more of and now I feel spoiled. Thank you so much for the extra pov. Hockeyward is so precious and being in his like this really sets their relationship to fantasy status. 3 Thank you thank you thank you!
Dimkas Girl chapter 32 . 7/15
Loved it 10 years ago and still love it today!
ashw96 chapter 32 . 6/7
Amazing chapter. Take the ice is one of my favourite stories to read. It was one of my first stories to read and I always go back to read it once more. Excited to see what you have next.
Swack chapter 32 . 6/6
This is amazing! Just finished reading it and I loved it. It's been a great experience reading through Bella's journey not just for her career in figure skating but also for finding and building herself outside of the ice. I find that I can kind of relate to her in that aspect of life. The feeling of being lost and not knowing what to do and having that feeling of not knowing where to go, because let's face it, in life no one is going to do everything for you but yourself, And I know that someday I'm going to head right there when I get more older. But seeing how it's been hard for her but at the end she did it! It kind of gives me hope and motivation for myself : Edward here is so cute and romantic I can't help but swoon... a lot. I love their development from friends to lovers. The early stages of their relationship actually reminded me of my own experience of this one boy I'm so attracted to and how my heart just beats a little faster when I look at him. Sadly mine didn't turn out just like Bella and Edward's but that's okay! I can't wait to find my own Edward someday *swoons* I also like to say that because of this story, I developed a liking to figure skating. Before reading this story, my knowledge of figure skating is close to nothing, but as I read along, I searched through Youtube some vids about figure skating and the moves that you mentioned in this story. It really is a beautiful sport. I also learned some things about hockey which is awesome. I loved your writing! Especially the way you wrote Bella's suffering and pain as well as her triumphs. I find myself feeling for her and reading her journey is really something. Anyways, I can't wait for you to post that final outtake! I loved reading this story through Edward's eyes and how things are from his side. I also loved how you wrote the Cullen Family cuz they are just so loveable. I hope to hear from you soon! sending love xo
soccermom101113 chapter 32 . 6/2
Loved it! Can’t wait for another outtake. Thanks for sharing
ImYours1901 chapter 5 . 5/21
Your writing is so amazing! Like that is pure talent. You can’t learn to write that well!
rozey113 chapter 1 . 5/9
I just recently stumbled upon this story after getting back into read fan fiction and I just wanted to say that this was one of the best stories I've read in a while. Very very well written. Nice job :) I hope you are doing well.
awesomeami316 chapter 32 . 4/30
Great story! When Edward proposed I almost cried.
Honeyb chapter 32 . 4/22
Godschildtweety chapter 32 . 4/5
Great story I love it
sosueme chapter 14 . 3/14
Glad I stayed with this, it's nice to see Bella making goals, kicking some people out and pulling some in.
sosueme chapter 10 . 3/13
I can barely read this.
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