Reviews for Pink All Around
emma.l.legros chapter 1 . 1/29/2013
its really good! plz write another chapter to this story!
Chaseha-Wing chapter 1 . 6/21/2011
...That's all *picks up a boulder* where's the rest? *puts it back down and searches elsewhere*

Here *under a desk* or here? *looking through branches* This can't be all can it? Sigh, it looks like a perfect start to a chapter, but as a one shot it doesn't quite have the right feel to it. *sighs* too bad, this would have been a good start to somethin'
niffyou chapter 1 . 2/16/2011
It was kinda sad and I want to give Izumi hug as well.
Rinhail chapter 1 . 10/6/2010
So cute!
Liann chapter 1 . 6/10/2010
Bawwwwww poor izumi *hugs* that was just too darned cute! the awkwardness between them-and the other characters to haha XD-is always so much fun to play with, and you did a great job portraying it :) I find myself wishing there was more to this, but if his is where you intended to finish, then I liked the way you concluded it :D
GoldenVXN chapter 1 . 6/4/2010
Ahh they probably like each other but just don't know it! Lol so cute!
Faye-Naruse chapter 1 . 5/15/2010
Mizutani is adorable! I just want to give Izumi a hug here. Not that I don't love him myself, but for some reason it surprises me that Tajima is popular with the girls XD

(I'm not sure you remember me anymore, plus I totally failed at replying to your msg a while back ( I suck :'D), but) I think, before, I was just not used to reading present-tense. This fic didn't sound odd to me at all. Keep writing! Don't worry about titles (this one was just fine), I completely understand how you feel X'D
Maisy chapter 1 . 3/10/2010
No reviews yet...? That's a shame. I like that this one-shot is short and simple. It works well as it is. Your choice of present tense is interesting but a nice touch for this kind of fic. I don't think there is anything to criticise really. Don't worry, titles can be difficult (and the last thing you write lol).

I like the end and your potrayal of Izumi. Thanks for posting.

Maisy :)