Reviews for Words Unspoken
Marionette of Ancient Relics chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
Cryysis chapter 1 . 12/6/2012
... Was not expecting that. Very much loved, yes, but unexpected all the same. There should be more of this! :)
Stormglass chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
Please tell me there is more!
Your fan chapter 1 . 5/26/2011
This was EPICLY CUTEEEEEEEE! I can't even explain how happy I feel nowwwwwww awwwwww my chest is swollen with PURE FLUFF! Oh my God, I must seem like a crazy fangirl right now but... you sorta do that to me, when you write Cleon, PLEASE continue this? At lest one chapter? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? If you do I promise to draw you a cute scene of cloud/leon of your choice! If you do please tell me on twitter, AeonValentine, 'k? :D
MadeInHolland chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
This is just... 3
WanderCrazy chapter 1 . 12/12/2010
moar? please? this is so cute i literally sat and squeed for a good minute after reading this. i am going to read this again. more? please? ugh. so flippin cute! thank you.
RhythmAndBeat chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
To take the school theme just a bit farther, finding this story today was just like finding a chocolate cupcake in my lunchbox, completely unexpected but it had the power to turn my whole day around.

It's an amazing read, from your lovely writing, to your stellar characterization (in so few words too!), to the way you've structured the whole piece. And given the prompt I can't imagine a better plot device than deafness for these two, I like to imagine that they'd have a connection through silent communication, now they really do.
Cleonhart chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
OMGOD, .ADORABLE. *SQUEE* Gosh thats was the cuttest thing ever, this would have mad and AWESOME multi chapter eh? Good job! *thumbs up*
Lady Karai chapter 1 . 3/17/2010
Very very cute. :)

Y'know, I realized today that I don't have you on my favorite authors list, probably because I don't review your things since I never seem to have anything worthwhile to say for a piece that isn't, oh, ten chapters or longer. (Note the above comment. *grimace*) But you ARE a fantastic writer and I DO read your things, so it's time I rectified that. Please forgive me for taking so long. *bows contritely*

- Karai
That's LEON chapter 1 . 3/15/2010
D'aww, that was the cutest thing EVER. I just want to squish them both!

I love their interactions and ickle Cloud's determination and skdjfshd. Perfect.
aldjladjalskasdasd chapter 1 . 3/4/2010
So I actually had to scout around for a while for the review button cuz I never use it at all but your stories compel me to :3

I saw this in the meme and was actually wondering just how could someone possibly pull this off but YOU did. I never once thought of a school setting srsly and this was just perfect. Its not harsh or bitter like what I assumed it had to be (oh the downfall of stereotypes) but unbelievably sweet instead.

The conversations between Squall and his mom interposed between the story was what stood out the most to me 3 It was what made the story so touching where you really sense his emotional struggles every day even after he met Cloud and seem to settle into a familiar routine with him.

I thought Squall would eventually just learn to 'boringly' adapt like we all do and he'll be like 'oh well its okay I guess' as his friendship progresses with Cloud but then Cloud suddenly goes and friggin LEARN sign language JUST FOR HIM which take things to a whole other level and I'm like aldkjalsdjlasd tears :'3 Cloud is like effing SUNSHINE in the midst of gloomy clouds here 3

Then its back to convo with the mom again and you know that FINALLY, Squall is back home in his heart :)
slewy chapter 1 . 3/4/2010
Oh. My gosh. This has to be one of the cutest things ever. Squall's goofy smiles! Aw! *hearts* This was really sweet. Wonderful fill.
ForeverFallen304 chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
omg the was the sweetest oneshot I have ever read. Great job.
TheaBlackthorn chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
that was lovely!
NathanialRoyale chapter 1 . 2/28/2010
That was beautiful, and it made me very happy :D My mom signs and when I saw that Cloud was trying to sign it made me sqwe!
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