Reviews for Bad Ratings
Demoness Drakon chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok, this is fucking hilarious!

But wait, I like Brits...oh well, I just have odd taste XD

Nice one Prussia, that's almost as good as sending the SemeUke quiz to everyone on your friends list and then asking about the results at lunch...not that I've done that. Yet.

All in all, good work. I loved all the nations' responses to the survey.

Drakon out!
Vermilion Skies chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
Lol, I remember reading that article online before

This is totally epic! Nice job! XD
Dragon-firefly1692 chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
quite an amusing story. _ great job for a first HAP fanfic!

V. Copperhex chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
Funny story, but I feel like I have to point out that the fanon name for the Netherlands, "Sven", sounds pretty strange considering he name litterally means: "Male of the Swedes" and "Ungsven" was even used as an old expression for a Swedish boy. Female version: Svea, which is the name of the real national representation of Sweden.

Sorry to spam your review box but I felt like it would be good to point that out.
Sweetest Possible Revenge chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
This... is... so... win (gasping out the words with difficulty due to laughter exploding from my throat) i love it, omg.
MyLatte chapter 1 . 3/1/2010

I loved it :)