Reviews for Moscow
Guest chapter 1 . 12/9/2019
FantaFun chapter 5 . 9/26/2019
Please tell me you're still writing.
I must have read your Drowning story well over a hundred times by now and it still leaves me yearning for more.
I hope everything is well with you and that you're only suffering from a temporary writer's block, so that one day maybe i could read some more of your addictive writing.
If there's anything you need to jumpstart this story again, please let me know.
I'm sure there are many more of us who would love to see this story come back to life.
And i'd be more than happy to help any way i can.
From a few scraps of new inspiration to reading over something you're not sure about, but please don't abandon this frail start of what could be a greatly enticing story.
Ada-Diana chapter 5 . 3/18/2019
Hi! I hope you're doing well, since.. 2010. Almost 10 years! Even if there isn't a lot of hope that you'll continue this story one day, I wanted to thank you for these first chapters that thrilled me. I love reading about this Fandom, which isn't really flourishing unfortunately, so your fanfiction is a hidden gem that I will probably read again and again, and dream about what could happen next. I wish you all the best.
Guest chapter 5 . 10/12/2018
I'm still hoping this will be updated... it's only been..what? 8 years...? There's still hope, right?
But seriously so in love with this, it's definitely worth continuing! This has to be one of the best Alex/Hassan fics I've read, and trust me I've read a lot xxx
Jennosaur chapter 5 . 12/21/2016
FREAKING adore this. Please don't tell me you've abandoned it :(
P.s this is like my 5th time reading this, and I'm in love w this story!
Please try writing again :(
FantaFun chapter 5 . 12/5/2016
I fell in love with your story Drowning. And craving more, I turned to this one.
Please tell me you didn't give up on it?
I saw the story was from 2010, but I'm so very much hoping you would give it another chance...
Love your writing!
Amberpaws chapter 5 . 12/26/2015
I really loved this sequel ! Are you going to make more ? Well thanx for writing this wonderful story
cbluna chapter 5 . 10/20/2015
hi! im just wondering whats going on with yassen! like, why did he strangle alex? and what part does aleksander play in this? why was alex so captivated by him? and did yassen know him? who shot them? (hahaha sorry, lots of questions) one thing im reeeeeally confused about, is what the devil (XD) is going on with yassen. one moment 'my childhood,*while fucking alex*' and the next' YOUR DEAD... SO CONFUSED
cbluna chapter 1 . 10/19/2015
Sam chapter 5 . 8/30/2015
O God this story will never be finished won't it? I'm going to sit in a corner and shoot myself now...
Aikino chapter 5 . 3/18/2015
Going through the archive I happened to stumble upon this one again. Even though I read it a long, long time ago it still managed to keep me throughly captivated. It's one of the best Yassen/Alex stories out there. I really love how you portray Yassen and his callous treatment of Alex; both in an attempt to make him leave the mission but also as a punishment. I really love the power play! I too like Alex, you portray him beautiful as a resourceful boy that is caught up in a world were he doesn't belong, but tries his hardest to stay alive. I prefer your type of vulnerable Alex to the 'Alex can do anything because he's a teenage spy' or even worse 'the super angsty Alex'. You make him seem real and believable which I truly enjoy.
I hope you'll someday return and finish this one as well as your story Stockholm Syndrome, it always seems like the best stories never gets finished ;)
Hell's Eternal Fire chapter 5 . 11/28/2014
um...So is Yassen going to kill him?
ehe Well, I do hope you continue! Even if you haven't for four years... ;w;
Hell's Eternal Fire chapter 3 . 11/28/2014
Hm, I do not find your "renaming of the characters," or more accurately your epithets confusing at all. If you know the reference, then it is fine. Just...Try not to use them so much :3
Y.Gregorovich3 chapter 5 . 11/8/2014
Will you ever update?
Ivy2121 chapter 5 . 6/26/2014
That was hot (fanning face and anime nose bleed)
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