Reviews for This Day and Age
Rineth chapter 1 . 4/6/2016
I really, really like this perspective.

Thing is, I live a pretty sheltered life when it comes to the lack of gay rights, although those rights are (thankfully) changing. It's a rather surprising shelter, I think, considering my sister is gay, my best guy friend is gay, and I'm very much bisexual, leaning more toward girls than boys (I am a girl, by the way). And I have tons of other gay, bisexual, transgender, genderqueer, and so-on close friends. But- my parents don't care, my friends don't care, my CHURCH doesn't even care. So - all in all - I rarely see that bad side to it. The benefits of living in Seattle, right? (That's not to say there's no one here who's opposed to gay rights, just that they're more often in the minority where I live).

So I've never really given thought to that all-encompassing devastation of a realization...

So thank you for writing this and letting me see such a perspective on it. I appreciate it a lot! It's one of those things that gets put to the back of your mind (along with child slavery and sexual prostitution, right?) and not really thought about.
terafonne chapter 1 . 3/25/2015
Probably amongst my biggest fears. I mean, I live in a place that is largely liberal, at least at school, but most of friends have conservative parents, my own included, and I'm part of the GSA and we do our best to educate and inform, and yet the casual usage of slurs like fa***t and inserting the word gay for anything negative remains all too prevalent. I'm doing a research paper on it, actually.
MuggleCreator chapter 1 . 6/12/2014
... Hugs.
Very well done. !
The line about it not being slash, but real, doesn't make true sense until the end.

This is why I support equality across the board (among other reasons).
And THIS is why JJ Abrams should've done better homework and 'gone out on a limb' (ha!) to actually portray in 2009 what they had to keep hidden in TOS!
Wanderling chapter 1 . 7/2/2013
Beautiful, touching, realistic depiction; excellent writing style.
Readertee chapter 1 . 2/14/2012
Okay, I'm incredulous that people can actually be treated like this, in /America/ of all places which boasts so much of its freedoms and equalities. I live in the UK and have never come across anything remotely resembling this level of discrimination. Am I just sheltered, or is it worse in the USA than the UK, I wonder?

minor rant over

This was a very thoughtful/thought-provoking piece and makes me want to find out more so I can do something about this idiocy. Thank you.
GlassAngel chapter 1 . 2/5/2012
I remember reading this a while ago and thinking it was really epic and horribly sad but true, but holy shit, this hits close now. I don't think I can really say much more about it, but this is absolutely perfect.
bbb136 chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
It's so annoying that gay people have to put up with all this crap, for gods sake, how freaking stupid and narrowminded do you have to be to hurt someone for something which has nothing to do with you?

My friends the only 'out' gay guy at my school, and while he doesn't get face to face abuse because our schools pretty zero tolerance about bullying, he gets so more cyber crap. But wow, I am so glad he doesn't live in your area. While the UK sure as hell isn't perfect for gays it sounds a lot tamer than Kirks turf.

Yeesh, bit of a rant. I apologise. :( It just pisses me off!

One question though, this fic really feels like it 'came from the heart' so to speak, is it based off a real life experience?
Kobato00 chapter 1 . 5/14/2011
So hurtful, but so true.

I can't say on account of everyone, my opinion is my own, I know, as I know the opinion of others is just their own, but I find it unjust to close the door to others because of this opinions, don't we all deserve to be heard and respected and have a shot at what we desire? I just, find it so unjust...

You meanie, you made me cry
Twinkie chapter 1 . 3/1/2011
A heart-breakingly real story. It really gives a strong view into the life of a real life gay person, and I am honestly speechless. I know this is happening, everyday, but it still hits hard. Beautifully shown. I'm a little speechless.
Doni chapter 1 . 2/21/2011
Heartbreaking, but so very well done.
Caighlee chapter 1 . 12/15/2010

You get it right down to the heart and meanness of it. It makes me want to work on it, to change views, and how government rules for people. Because people being mean to others just because something is 'wrong' with them - something they can't even choose - is wrong. And hypocritical. because everyone is born Homosexual, our genes decide which gender we like and then it can take us from a week (or day like Jim here) to almost our whole lives to figure it out.

Thanks for writing this, it inspires me to work in the community and help those who can't do anything either.

ForeversNobody chapter 1 . 12/8/2010
You're right, reality sucks... hopefully, one day, it won't, but I won't hold my breath :/

Good work, well written and very descriptive _ I'm gonna go raid your stories and favs now.
Kiwee chapter 1 . 6/25/2010
I wish all this awesome, everyone-is-equal thing in fics is real, but it's not, and you just have to look around you to have it hammered home. Beautiful story in that jagged and hurting kind of way, like a punch in the stomach that makes you see stars and you think for a split second "oh, those are pretty stars".
Shally-wa chapter 1 . 5/31/2010
Aw. I didn't even notive this until I was on your LJ, and then I had to read it. And now I can't stop crying. While I've been lucky enough to not have to put up with this s***, I still know it actually happens and that makes me PISSED.

On the actual story stuff, this is incredible. I loved your description of Kirk, and also your explanation of how he views his identity. And it made me smile a little that you managed to fit Chekov/Sulu in there somehow - they're one of my favorite ST pairings.

The factual stuff was great too. I liked the list of terms (again, that's just how I was) And Santorum used to be my senator, so it was nice seeing that slang in there. I also liked the bit about current events you had.

The Kirk/Spock at the end was touching, but I had to reread the story because it seemed a bit like it was coming out of nowhere.

Is this the sort of s*** you had to put up with applying for grad programs? I know you got into the English Honors Program, but the thought of you (or anyone, really) having to go through this - any of it - pisses me off BIG TIME.
FieldOfGlory chapter 1 . 4/26/2010
I thought that was wonderful- really touched me
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