Reviews for This is a Low
Guest chapter 14 . 12/26/2019
nice peppermint tea
lilacutie chapter 14 . 3/8/2015
Aaah man, I don't usually review, but I felt the need to pay my respects to this story. although there are some parts that could have been written better, I really enjoyed the journey of reading this! I don't know if it's just me, but the pronouns you use for 2D kind of irk me a little bit. Calling him a Zombie, or a Zombie-boy kind of implies that he's something straight out of the walking dead to me. Zombie Fan, or just plain 2D would suffice nicely. And for one? An Agelic Zombie wouldn't exist. Ever. Not even in the context of pronouns, and I think it's kind of immature? But otherwise, the story was beautifully written, and I can't help but love Dex! though she was only a small part, she was really lovely. Gosh, that was a tense story. Thanks again, ta!
Livi chapter 14 . 10/1/2014
Kawii! Super cute ending! Loved it!
Eternal-Flame-Babe chapter 13 . 6/18/2014
The part that really stood out to me was the 'breath in breath out. nothing', I just thought that bit was brilliant. It was a truly lovely story, I enjoyed reading it.
kierkieren chapter 14 . 2/9/2013
BRAVO! *claps wildly* that was the most fantastic family-thembed Gorillaz story I have ever read! Thank you so much for writing it! The last two chapters were just, oh my god. No other way to explain it. Just oh my god. This was just fantastic, so thank you again for giving Gorillaz fans the chance to experiance another wonderful tale. You rock!
LightShadowsh chapter 14 . 12/30/2012
last chapter made me cry :') so beautiful
thatGIRL132 chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
AHH I love it! but i hate the idea of Noodlex2D. 2DxMurdoc forever!
Mikhyel chapter 14 . 7/19/2011
I'm so glad everything turned out all right! I love me some angst, yes I do, but I always feel better about it if there's a happy or at least hopeful ending eventually. This was lovely.
Astrolatry chapter 14 . 6/26/2011
I like the story but the end kinda came out of no where. You prolly could have gone alot further with the story...
jj chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
damn...thats awful but so good...
MangoStarr chapter 14 . 5/7/2011
I LOVED it. Aside from the fact that the whole 2D and Noodle thing... i hate that couple so much hahaha... but other than that, i absolutely loved it and it was one of the best stories i've read.

Sherry sounded hot.

Becoming-Obsessed chapter 14 . 1/30/2011
This was just.. wow. I don't tink I have ever read a more.. emotional 2DxMud fic.. but also.. none of them have ever really been completed..

The way you wrote these two was just.. flawless.

I never really thought about 2DxNoodle before, but that pairing is so bittersweet and heartbreak-ish.. I can not wait to read the rest of your work.


Becoming-Obsessed chapter 13 . 1/30/2011
Don't tell me it's over.. please don't tell me it's over..

Becoming-Obsessed chapter 12 . 1/30/2011
Oh D.. don't do it..

Becoming-Obsessed chapter 11 . 1/30/2011
Oh 2D.. Your heart is going to get so broken..

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