Reviews for HETASEAN: The ASEAN Commonwealth
370HSSV 0773H chapter 1 . 5/11/2016
Singapore was founded by sir stamford raffles and is really multi racial; chinese, malays, indians and english.
We (unfortunatly) do not acept gay marriges.
We curse alot, and sit like we are in a coffee shop almost everywhere, we also place a fine for almost everything, thus making us known as ' The Fine City '.
We like to add verbal ticks like 'Sia!' and 'Eh!' At the back and use hokkian words like 'WALAO EH!' We also are very "kiasu", which means "scared to lose".
An example is: 'I'm at the supermarket, there is this big 50% off sales for new clothes hangers, I don't need it and my house is already stuffy enough, but I will buy half the stock because I might not have this oppotunity again.' And the ' WAH! LONG QUEUE SIA! Got queue? COMFIRM GOOD! Aiyah come, come , queue queue queue!' (And when you get to the front you realise they are selling tissue packets.)
We are also...stingy about money...or maybe I'm just money faced. We keep every cent we find on the street, a $0.05 in the drain to a $100 on the street. It's a small place that can't even be shown on the world map so we can go anywhere we want to without much trouble. We have pretty much the same type of food as you malaysians, but nothing can beat SG
mimi-chan and aliling-chan chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
I am also Malaysian but I know a little history about the Philippines since my mother is from the Philippines. Don't make it so historical, add some craziness in it. I like to suggest that they were discussing about heroes or ACTUALLY try each other's culture. It's fun and you can get to learn something, add in some other Asian countries or other characters from the are not so keen on just ASEAN.
WhoAmIinTheFirstPlace chapter 1 . 10/2/2012
well, u can talk about Burma she is known as the fierce lady of South East Asia, not just because of the dictatorship that junked up her mind into utterly off topics during speeches, example, she can throw a soldier off a boat and say, "soldiers are so dispensable, I can throw one off board." also, she was the one conquering siam (thailand) during her ava period until the Qing Emperor QianLong got this funny idea like, "Lets fight the daylights out of them" and waged a war, which the Qing almost lost to the harsh tropical climates, malaria and the two territories had to have a peace treaty. the Thais are not really fond of the Burmese, I hear, and Burmese people had to be cautious in Thailand because of the conquest of the ancient thai capital, forcing them to move to a new one, Bangkok.
solitarycloud chapter 1 . 10/28/2010
yay! an asean fic :3 if you're planning any philippine-centric fics, you can pm if you want _
sunshineandroses chapter 1 . 6/17/2010
OMG! I'm Bruneian! XD

I actually haven't watched Hetalia, but the idea of personifying countries is just too fun. Update!

Maybe I can help you with Bruneian stereotypes :D
ArisaLyeanna chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
Appearently, they like America... And normally, they wrote Vietnam as female not male... Somehow, I agree with you... Why do people like to fight? So which country you're from? I'm Sarawak... How about we make a community for the ASEAN?
Kirazu Haruka chapter 1 . 3/7/2010
Oh my... I'm absolutely agree with you. Really.

I'm Indonesian, and my reaction when I heard about our country were fighting (AGAIN), I just laugh... sheepishly (dunno if that's the exact word, sorry for my English). Honestly... What's the point in their quarrel? It's really childish, true true.

I mean, they're brothers, right? (what's the connection...) I even imagine them as a twin. Such alike yet so different... And I hope they respect each other now, since the fighting's stopped (yay!).

And for the story... How about the tsunami one, back then in 2006? I love how they help each other in that pinch :3 Though I really sad about the news.

Sorry for my awkward grammar, can't wait for the next chapter! XD