Reviews for 2:45 AM
ClockwerkOrange chapter 7 . 2/5/2011
That was an excellent story. I don't even have anything else to say. It was just fantastic.
Patrick de chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
Great story over all a very good ,for lack of a better word, construction of the characters and plot and stuff

One thing I would like to see is a brief follow-up or maybe a sequel because this is so good that it can't end (don't know what the hell I'm trying to convey with this review )

So yea great story and I hope to read more of your stuff when I get the chance
Victoria chapter 7 . 4/25/2010
I've read your other story about Tallest RedxMiyuki and im now a full fan of this couple...but I have this to say, you did an amazing job at this but whats stoping you from making a sequal? about this of course and it can be about all the stuff Red and Miyuki do when Red come's home as Tallest again and it can even be a oneshot...and besides Purple needs his friend and Miyuki needs someone who would care for her... well thats all and you've done a good job with the story and the fluffy romance, see ya()
Ayzmara chapter 7 . 3/21/2010
great ending :D
secretsofadarkangel chapter 7 . 3/21/2010
I loved it! Beautiful ending and you entertained me all the way.

I'm SO glad I checked out this story in the first place!

You should write another RaMyR after you finish If Miyuki!
TheSheepIsDefinitelyALie chapter 7 . 3/21/2010

Dayum, you sure know how to pull on them heart strings-without having someone die!

This story was humorous and cute all the way to the end. You put poor ol' Red through some tough spots, but it was all worth it for him in the end, eh?

You scared me, though, since you have the tendency to have people die. I really thought someone was going to die, then I would've shed tears.

But, no, you pulled through, showing that you can make a story seem perfect without someone dying. This story's going in my favorites. 3

Two years, Miyuki. D':


A toast to your spectacular writing, my friend/sister. I shall bake 'goncookies and buy Skittles for the both of us.

Lol. Skirts.

secretsofadarkangel chapter 6 . 3/20/2010

How could she forget? Poor Red! Poor, poor, poor, poor Red.

He doesn't deserve this! After all he's done for her!

*sigh* Well he DID wish for HER happiness...and not his.

(He should've wished for more wishes)

Anyways, thanks for another amazing chapter and please update!
Miharu Mizuneko chapter 5 . 3/19/2010
Love the new chapters!

Poor Red, he's trying so hard to help her, and now...?



Omg Miyuki's waking up.

On the edge of my seat; can't wait for more!
Ayzmara chapter 5 . 3/18/2010
:O another cliff hangar. :D good job :)
secretsofadarkangel chapter 5 . 3/18/2010
Cliffy again! I'm really glad you updated and I'm really in love with this story and this pairing. Write more! Write more! PLEASE write more! Your two RedXMiyuki stories make me want to write my own...though I have no ideas and it probably won't turn out good...xD. Anyways, keep up the good, no...GREAT work!
Ayzmara chapter 4 . 3/18/2010
:o cliffhanger good job :D

secretsofadarkangel chapter 4 . 3/17/2010
Cliffy! Darn it! Anyways, keep up the good job and you've made me fall IN LOVE with RedXMiyuki! I pray you'll do more in the future.
Miharu Mizuneko chapter 3 . 3/16/2010
I think I almost died laughing with the skirt part...

Beautifully written. I feel so sorry for Miyuki, and poor Red's going through hell...absolutely tragic. One of the best IZ stories I've ever read.
secretsofadarkangel chapter 3 . 3/15/2010
Aw! Miyuki's life support can't be taken away! Though it seems she and Red hardly know each other...oh well. I'm really into this story!

BTW I was ROTF about the skirt thing..xD
secretsofadarkangel chapter 2 . 3/15/2010 that's why she denied being a ghost. Well I'm off to read the next chappy!
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