Reviews for Freedom Weekend
Po chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
Your on a swim meet too? What team?
LateNightAuthor2013 chapter 11 . 12/15/2010
*whiney voice* updaaaaate! It's not faaair. You need to upddaaate!
LateNightAuthor2013 chapter 10 . 12/15/2010
Ahahahahahahaha! House was in here! Go House!

Loved the story
unthinkable13 chapter 11 . 9/25/2010
Great chapter. Can't wait to see how the tell .
Hope4TheBrokenHearted chapter 10 . 8/20/2010
Um, I don't really know how to start this and PLEASE don't take anything I say too offensively.

First off, this story seemed to be more drama/romance than humor/friendship because, well, a teenage boy trying to kill himself is not exactly humorous. And then with them pairing off in the end doesn't really seem to end with friendship.

Another thing, you may want to thoroughly look over your entries for any words that may have been left out or any added words. Some of each were in your story.

Finally, your writing flows really well I was actually really impressed! But, it just seemed to me that it wasn't that thought out. For example, in the beginning the four of them were four guys chilling in their apartment trying to find things to do. No tension between any of them and then all of the sudden it gets really intense and the reader sees all this... passion? err.. not really the word I'm looking for but whatever. But you have two guys randomly getting sick. Then nothing seems to be wrong with Logan but he keeps getting sicker and acting pathetic and weak? Then all the sudden ends up 100% better at the hospital?

Your story wasn't bad. It was pretty interesting. I just think if you touched it up a little and added a little more details and thought process behind it you could turn it in to something amazing. :)
Jackiie Hallows chapter 10 . 8/12/2010


I'm happy that House is in this!


Please update. this is getting so good(:
Fang lover23 chapter 10 . 8/12/2010
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I laughed so hard when House and Wilson came in! XD

I'm not really into Cargan, but they're cute together in this story! (Well so are James and Kendall, but that's something anyone could figure out.) :)
mrs.lawliet chapter 9 . 8/10/2010
im crying! i feel for logan...but...2 bad im not a guyXguy fan oh well ...*whispers* please write mooooooorrrrreeeeeee OwO
AlliiCakee chapter 9 . 6/29/2010
awww, cuteness! you need to make more chapters! maybe carlos' and everyone's reactions. ilovethisfic!
CalligatorRAWR chapter 9 . 6/29/2010
OMG one of the best stories EVER please please write more chapters! I absolutly luff this! A dramatic twist sounds interesting enough... but i almost cried reading this and i don't cry easily! So congradulations, your story was so beautifull that I got teary! :D
emmybug92 chapter 8 . 6/28/2010
i love it...cant wait for a new chapter!
Jackiie Hallows chapter 8 . 6/19/2010

You're killing me!

James needs to come homeeeeeee.

This makes me really upset now.


I don't want my boys being all emo.



Where's Carlos in all of this?

Wanking off?



Update soon?

AlliiCakee chapter 8 . 6/17/2010
I really hope James doesn't die! hey, remember when this was humor! good times, good times:] update soon!
Hikari Anderson-Hummel chapter 8 . 6/16/2010
I hope you update soon! This is slowly becoming my favorite story! Well I guess you could say it is cause I just read this story 5 times in less than 25 minutes. Update soon!

See ya on the writers side!

Hikari Out!
KxJ luver chapter 8 . 6/16/2010
Thanks so much for updating! I hope Kendall finds James before he dies or something. So, once again, PLEASE UPDATE VERY, VERY SOON!
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