Reviews for From The Depths of My Soul
Atarah Derekh chapter 32 . 4/17/2015
One thing I don't understand is, wouldn't LeBeau be worried about his family back home? [SPOILER ALERT FOR THOSE READING THE REVIEWS BEFORE THE STORY] If the Germans found out he was Jewish, they'd go after his family, possibly even using them against him. With Paris under German control, I would think LeBeau would be reluctant to let anyone know about his background.
Atarah Derekh chapter 13 . 4/17/2015
One of Richard Wurmbrand's friends offered to forge him a certificate like that. Since Wurmbrand is a rather German sounding name and Richard was an ordained Lutheran minister, no one would have known any better. But Wurmbrand refused. Most of his congregation was Jewish, and they couldn't be granted those certificates. Wurmbrand didn't want to be seen as a higher class citizen than his flock. So he agreed to wear the star and live by all those anti-Semitic laws. And then he proceeded to break every single one of them in the name of his ministry (well, most of the time, anyway). Wurmbrand was kind of like a Romanian version of Newkirk. He loved pushing the envelope just for the sake of pushing it, and the only respect he gave to rank or office was lip service. You had to earn his respect. I've often wondered how Wurmbrand would get along with Papa Bear and his band of merry cubs. The idea of Wurmbrand working with a Jewish Hogan is more intriguing still.
Beloved Daughter chapter 36 . 2/28/2014
Beautiful story. I can't imagine what it must have been like for a Jew of the time to find out about the Holocaust. No wonder the summary for this story mentions a "crisis of faith". Anyway, thanks for writing and posting - I greatly enjoyed reading the story.

PS. I have to admit - I'm rather curious what happened to Jonathan. You never mentioned him after a flashback where Hogan helped him into the army. Somehow, I kept on expecting him to show up again.
Anonymous chapter 36 . 9/19/2011
If you find the time, could you please write a different story where Colonel Hogan is Jewish? I just fell in LOVE with the idea. It really works, the way you do it. Pretty please? :)
GingerNinja000 chapter 36 . 9/18/2011
This story is simply lovely. I loved the picture of Colonel Hogan as Jewish, you made it fit so well. It was so well thought out and researched, wow, just wow.
DammitJim chapter 36 . 3/30/2011
Great fic!
Crystal Rose of Pollux chapter 36 . 10/19/2010
Poor Hogan; what terrible news to receive, and so far from home, too...

But, aww, I loved Klink in this chapter; I can definitely see him being that concerned and sympathetic. Klink has a caring, human side to him, and you showed that very well here.
Marie1964 chapter 36 . 10/17/2010
Finally got caught up on reading the ending of this story. What a very exciting final four chapters! Glad Werner and Guthrie got what they deserved, but so sorry to hear about Aleit, Carl's men and Hogan's father. At least Hogan, Newkirk, Klink and everybody else is safe. I enjoyed learning about the Shiva also.

Looking forward to reading your companion piece, and whatever you come up with next!
Jennaya chapter 36 . 10/17/2010
Thank you for a beautiful story with a difficult topic with a believable ending.
Bits And Pieces chapter 36 . 10/17/2010
A very sad chapter; but it's good to see that Hogan can put all that behind him for now, and move forward. Thank you for sharing this story; it was very detailed, and very well researched. I look forward to reading the companion piece you mentioned.
snooky chapter 36 . 10/17/2010
Thank you for writing this story and for handling everything in such a sensitive manner. This chapter was very touching. I know my father appreciated being asked for his help in this chapter. He has frequently relayed a story to me about his first few months in the Royal Navy during WW2, when he and many members of his unit were forced to eat pork products in order to survive. And I also appreciate the time and effort you took to ask questions. Looking forward to your companion piece.
Salpson chapter 36 . 10/17/2010
It was not an ending I had expected but in its own way a good ending. On the TV show everything always came out right in the end. If you take a more realistic approach then there would be loses. Hogan would always feel responsible for anyone he worked matter that he was one small part of the fight in his mind it was up to him to protect the people around him.
estrella2-15 chapter 35 . 10/13/2010
What can I say? Awesome story; great job. Thanks!
Sierra Sutherwinds chapter 35 . 10/13/2010
What a tour de force! It's good to see that Hogan landed in his two feet one more time!
Bits And Pieces chapter 35 . 10/13/2010
Yay, finally! Good thing Hogan listened to his gut. And Newkirk had perfect timing! I also liked the plan Hogan had to wrap everything up; worked like a charm. Great job!
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