Reviews for Lack of Dichotomy
Aniki-xvi chapter 1 . 12/29/2015
that one way those two would end up meeting ! X'D
AmethystUnarmed chapter 1 . 10/6/2015
Absolutely wonderful
Ziven chapter 1 . 2/27/2015
This is adorable and cute. I love it!

Ryou in this story is closest to how I picture him in my head. A lot of people underestimate him and his abilities as they've developed over time. But it takes strength to endure having Yami Bakura using him like that and you can see it shine here. Yami Marik was still believably in character, too. I can appreciate that interest plays such a strong role in what they think of other people, considering all of what they've experienced so far.

Thanks so much for writing this!
alchemistlynn chapter 1 . 8/22/2014
I really like this! I'm surprised with this pairing. I really love the way you make Ryou strong and kind at the same time, I get kind of annoyed that many write him as weak or irrelevant. Personally I think he has a quiet intelligence and quiet strength about him. I just think this story was cute, and it might be the first time I can actually envision this pairing, or actually, Marik's darker side with anyone, really.
TexasDreamer01 chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
Dawww. Now that's how this ship ought to be shipped!
Kat chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
awwwwwww'ssssss this was soooooo cute i loved it you need top make more chappy's! XD go deathshipping
gumdropsRstupid chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
Awwww... I love those two.
Such cuteness! How does it happen?
SilentGreenThief chapter 1 . 12/22/2012
... That was very fluffy. But not really OOC. Maybe Melv... Gah. Sorry. Too much YGOTAS. Going to my head. Maybe Marik could have been a bit more malicious, but otherwise it was pretty in-character. Ryou certainly was, fluffy little bunny. :3
ilovemanicures chapter 1 . 9/26/2012
Oh my gosh, this was HILARUOUS! xD

The idea of such a situation is completely insane. But then again, Malik, Marik, Ryou and Bakura are the experts on all things insane/abnormal lol

I simply adorned how you had the two interact with one another. It was an interesting interpretation of what their first meeting would actually be like.

Never before had I read Marik not even KNOWING of Ryou' existence. So I applaud you for your originality.

If you haven't picked up on it yet, I intend to spam your inbox with reviews. Idk why it's taken me so long to do so, I've seen your username hundreds of times. And I'm even sure we read a lot of the same stuff... So please excuse my silly delay ;)

Anywho. I loved this a great deal, and I hope I get to read more Deathshipping by you :D
kitashvi chapter 1 . 2/27/2012
Cute (don't tell Marik I said that!) and funny. I was pleasantly surprised that this wasn't an all-out romance. And I like the not-quite morning after aspect of it. And Ryou has a backbone! (A rare sight in most YGO fics)

Chi-chan Lurks chapter 1 . 11/14/2011
This isn't s OOC as you think... Ryou is pitch perfect, and your Marik doesn't say much but it worked. (there was like, 1 or 2 places that caught my notice, but it didn't ruin the flow not the whole fic)
TierzaRyumina chapter 1 . 9/21/2011
AWWW! Fluffy goodness!

Anyway, I love how you kept true to Marik's less then friendly nature, but at the same time had the cuteness between him and the oh so innocent Ryou. It made me "awww" out loud.
LadySunami chapter 1 . 6/19/2011
Hehehe. Poor Ryou, that would be so awkward! At least he and Marik are getting along swimmingly. And what's wrong with fluff?
scaryghost chapter 1 . 6/18/2011
ITS ME! :)

I really enjoyed reading this. It shows a different side to Ryou and that was very cool to see. Usually you find stories about him being the victem but if you think about it having to deal with Bakura all the time must harden him up a bit right. Anyways point is I really enjoyed this haha
looptheloopy chapter 1 . 6/15/2011
This is just great! xD Ah I am going to pretend it became deathshipping~ LOL. Great story.
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