Reviews for A Stranger, and Strangers still
Revenge of the Red Pen chapter 6 . 9/23/2015
This is a great story so far...I'm assuming that you are not going to update this? I really loved that game and was a bit bummed how it ended (even the DLC was lacking somewhat).

Felt that things needed to be resolved better with this storyline...
Areejs chapter 6 . 5/20/2013
Oh!you're did u COntinue,it was very interesting.
AJ Cruz the Gemini chapter 5 . 11/27/2010
I read all 5 chapters of this story and I have to say that this is the best PoP story that I ever had the privilege to read. I really hope you update really soon, I want to know what happens next! Is it me, or does the prince always get all of the princesses?

Update soon.
12D3 Gorillaz chapter 5 . 7/2/2010
so... is... Aara dead? 0_o
brainfear chapter 5 . 7/1/2010
Oooh! Nice chapter. I like the fight scene with the bear. It was cool to see what powers Aara has.
FeuWitch chapter 5 . 7/1/2010
Now when I read this story,it makes me miss Elika...Hey,how 'bout doing some flashbacks 'bout the journey of the Prince and Elika b4 she went off by herself...It's a lil sad seeing smbody else being Elika... anyways!As always,great chapter!I'll b waiting 4 more!
Anazarel chapter 4 . 6/27/2010
I've just read the four chapters and I have to say they were great. A very interesting story, the characters aren't OOC, and a new and misterious character, Aara, that refreshes the story. I loved it, seriously, I really hope you update soon , because the plot has caught me. :)

keep up the good work!
brainfear chapter 4 . 6/13/2010
Oh like the wolf scene! Any chance on making this a romance fic? Huh huh?
brainfear chapter 3 . 5/28/2010
So far no mistakes, in my opinion. I already like Aara. Her and the Prince have an interesting, if tentative relationship thus far. I'm really intrigued as to what happens next! More please!
brainfear chapter 2 . 4/17/2010
I like this so far. The strange girl that the Prince comes across is really intriguing. I wonder what her story is...

will the Prince find Elika again?

More please!
FeuWitch chapter 2 . 4/8/2010
Hmm...Well,PoP is not well known in FF,but,keep writting!Maybe there is some peeps here reading,just, in the near future,ur story will be liked?Every road we must take a step at a time. :D
FeuWitch chapter 1 . 3/15/2010
THere's going 2 be another chapter?Well,update then!I'll b waiting!