Reviews for Selfish Heart
Marianne Bennet chapter 1 . 2/1/2015
I'm not keen on Eamon in general; Arsinoe de Blassenville's Maude Cousland changed my opinion of him completely a year or so ago. But I really enjoyed your take on him. And I loved how your Cousland called him out on the bastard issue. He has totally met his match. A very lovely and bittersweet piece.
naomis8329 chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
It is said that love is selfish, but without it we would all be a great deal poorer. So if love is selfish it is also what makes us happy and richer for it. Love may not feed the body but it certainly feeds the soul and mind so its a win win situation for sure.

A lovely short and quite forward of Lya to think of it and to suggest it to Eamon to get his support and thoughts. Alistair may be a different proposition altogether considering what he had to do with Morrigan, even if it did mean producing a Therin heir, we'll just have to see wont we :)

Thanks again

Naomi xxx
JayRain chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
You deal with the reality of the situation in a stark, yet moving way. Though Lya was being selfish when it came to Alistair, she seems to want to make up for it with the plan she tells Eamon. She is logical and faces the facts, but she's still human and it's subtle, yet clear that this affects her on an emotional level. Eamon is portrayed as being both practical/realistic, and kind and concerned for both his surrogate nephew and his bride, and for Ferelden. In one short piece you've provided multifaceted characters with realistic reactions, and an even deeper look into the politics and personalities of Ferelden. Bravo!
SilentDreamer025 chapter 1 . 9/22/2010
Wow, that was a heavy heart...being 19 and saying that...your theme song it seems at time is "sadness and sorrow"! But its nice to see Eamon painted in these colors then colors of a villain
Sarah1281 chapter 1 . 3/21/2010
Oh, I love this story. Eamon is such a great character but his faults (pushing Alistair to be King if unhardened and bascally ruling through him and advising Cailan to ditch his Queen for instance) and the role people feel he played in getting Alistair to dump the PC if they aren't noble and declared themselves Queen at the Landsmeet earn hima lot of antipathy. This is a much more sympathetic and yet still very practical view of him that still comes across as realistic.